Haskell-Morse is a remake of morse from bsd-games, though it may develop some slight improvements.
Converts text --> Morse code and Morse code --> text.
- Clever data structure(s) taking advantage of patterns in Morse code.
- Given a Morse code "transmission" with incorrect spacing, find all the possible translations (and possibly sort by likeliness using lexigraphic analysis)
- Different pretty-printing options, such as the Morse with the corresponding letters on the side.
- Output transmission sound at varying rates.
- Output visual transmissions at varying rates.
- [Unlikely] Input audio/visual transmissions.
This trivial project solely exists for me to familiarize myself with certain parts of Haskell.
Optimal library/package usage is not a goal of this project.
For example, data structures exist for finite bijections (e.g. Data.Bitmap), but have chosen to implement a simple one instead for the learning experience.