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Hi there, I'm Chris! 👋

I am a Software Development Engineer interested in Robotics, AI, and Blockchain with a ❤️ for DevOps.

Connect with me on:

Website Badge LinkedIn Badge Github Badge ResearchGate Badge Hackerrank Badge Leetcode Badge CodeForces Badge CodeWars Badge Lichess Badge

🛠️ My Tool and Skill Stack

Domain Knowledge

Programming Languages

python c cpp bash rust solidity lua markdown

Tools & Frameworks

ROS git Vim opencv numpy Pytest tmux jira VSCode

DevOps & Cloud Technologies

docker kubernetes ansible terraform aws github github_ci github_pages gitlab gitlab_ci azure_devops

Operating Systems

Linux Arch Fedora Debian Ubuntu Kali Windows

Web Development

react html css mui javascript bootstrap flask

📈 My Github Stats

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github contribution grid snake animation

♘ My Lichess Stats

          _      _      _
         | |    (_)    | |
         | |     _  ___| |__   ___  ___ ___
         | |    | |/ __| '_ \ / _ \/ __/ __|
         | |____| | (__| | | |  __/\__ \__ \
         |______|_|\___|_| |_|\___||___/___/
    2130 ┤                                                              ╭
    2042 ┤                                                              │
    1954 ┤                                              ╭╮  ╭╮          │
    1866 ┤                                         ╭╮ ╭─╯╰──╯╰──╮ ╭─────╯
    1778 ┤                           ╭╮  ╭──╮╭──╮╭─╯╰─╯         ╰─╯
    1690 ┤                        ╭╮╭╯╰──╯  ╰╯  ╰╯
    1602 ┼╮                   ╭──╮│╰╯
    1514 ┤│   ╭───╮╭─╮╭╮╭─────╯  ╰╯
    1426 ┤╰╮ ╭╯   ╰╯ ╰╯╰╯
    1338 ┤ ╰─╯
    1250 ┤

User: christopsy666, Rating type: Bullet on
Last update: 01.12.2024 02:15:29

Lichess stats generated via lichess-ascii-rating-tracker.

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  1. compcodicons compcodicons Public

    An icon font set for competitive coders

    CSS 5 1

  2. Public

    Forked from mmistakes/minimal-mistakes

    📐 Jekyll theme for building a personal site, blog, project documentation, or portfolio.


  3. lichess-ascii-rating-tracker lichess-ascii-rating-tracker Public

    Generates ASCII tracker of lichess ratings

    Python 1

  4. cschindlbeck cschindlbeck Public
