Command-line tool for putting CS463, CS203X and CS468XJ fixed readers back to factory default mode, controlling the reader via the debug serial interface
Power off the reader
Connect the debug serial port on the reader to your computer
Download the package and extract the zip file under the dist folder
Edit the config.ini file and enter your serial port information. For Windows it would be COM{port number}. For Mac it would be the device under /dev/tty.usbserial-{deviceId}
[Serial] Port = COM6
The program can also set the IP address of the reader after resetting the system. For doing that, you will need to update the IP information in config.ini:
[Network] DefaultIP = DefaultMask = DefaultGateway =
After that, please also connect your computer to the reader via the same network being configure. For the example above, the IP address of the network interface connected to the reader should be in the same network 192.168.1.XXX
If network information is not entered in config.ini, IP address will not be set after factory default and it will be stay in the default value
Make sure the COM port mentioned in step 3 is not occupied by other applications.
Run the file CS463FactoryDefault.exe in the folder or open up a command prompt window, change directory to the *dist" folder and run from there.
Follow the instructions of powering down and powering up the reader.
Note that When powering up the reader and it will boot into recovery mode. The entire file system will be refreshed to default. The process usually takes around 15 minutes
- pip install pyserial
- pip install requests
- python py2exe