The rmdy package contains ready-to-use HTML output formats and templates for RMarkdown documents.
You can install the package directly from this repository using:
An example of the RMarkdown metadata section:
title: "Four Forest Restoration Initiative - Landscape Pattern Analysis"
author: "Luke J. Zachmann and Brett G. Dickson"
date: "`r gsub(' 0', ' ', format(Sys.time(), '%B %d, %Y'))`"
abstract: |
A summary of data products produced for the US Forest Service, including
links to the data, metadata regarding the accuracy and precision of specific
results, and guidance for appropriate uses of the data.
bibliography: bibliography.bib
csl: conservation-biology.csl
template: html_csp
Calling rmdy::csp_page
in the front-matter of your document will copy the two
files you will need to render your R Markdown document as a website with a
CSP-flavored navigation bar. Specifically, when you knit the file for the first
time, you'll see _site.yml
and _navbar.html
show up in your working
For a complete example of a rmdy package template in action, head over to You might also read through RStudio's excellent documentation.