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Zipline CLI

Python 3 CLI Uploader for Zipline v3 and Django Files. Zipline CLI is currently functional and Under Active Development.
Please open a Feature Request for new features and submit an Issue for any bugs you find.


An update for Zipline v4 is currently in progress.
Zipline-CLI v1 "should" work with both Zipline v3 and v4.

# v4: Add url to line 104: ["url"]
return ZipURL(r.json()["files"][0]["url"])

Quick Start

python3 -m pip install zipline-cli
zipline --setup


From PyPi using pip:

python3 -m pip install zipline-cli

From GitHub using pip:

python3 -m pip install git+

From Source using pip:

git clone
python3 -m pip install -e zipline-cli

From Source using setuptools:

git clone
cd zipline-cli
python3 install


To completely remove from any above install methods:

python3 -m pip uninstall zipline-cli


Setup Zipline URL and Token:

zipline --setup

Upload a File:

zipline test.txt

Upload Multiple Files:

zipline file1.txt file2.txt

Create Text File from Input

cat test.txt | zipline

Create Text File from Clipboard

# Paste or Type contents, followed by a newline, then Ctrl+D (Ctrl+Z on Windows)

Environment Variables

Environment Variables are stored in the .zipline file in your home directory.

  • Location: ~/.zipline or $HOME/.zipline
Variable Description
ZIPLINE_URL URL to your Zipline Instance
ZIPLINE_TOKEN Authorization Token from Zipline
ZIPLINE_EMBED Set this enable Embed on your uploads
ZIPLINE_FORMAT Output Format after upload. Variables: {filename}, {url} and {raw_url}

See .zipline.example for an example .zipline file.

You may override them by exporting the variables in your current environment or using the corresponding command line arguments. Use zipline -h for more info.

API Reference

Initialize the class with your Zipline URL. Everything else is a header passed as a kwarg. The API does not yet support environment variables.

Zipline Token/Authorization is a header kwarg and can be passed as follows:

from zipline import Zipline
zipline = Zipline('ZIPLINE_URL', authorization='ZIPLINE_TOKEN')

Upload a File

from zipline import Zipline
zipline = Zipline('ZIPLINE_URL', authorization='ZIPLINE_TOKEN')
with open('text.txt') as f:
    url = zipline.send_file('test.txt', f)


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If you are experiencing an issue/bug or getting unexpected results, you can: