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A very minimal game loop for browser games.

It's working with fixed update time step and variable rendering.

Loop execution model


|                         |---<<<------------------<<<---|                          |
|                         |                              |                          |
|         |---------|     |         |----------|         |     |----------|         |
|         |         |     |--->>>---|          |--->>>---|     |          |         |
|--->>>---| input() |------>>>------| update() |------>>>------| render() |--->>>---|
          |         |               |          |               |          |
          |---------|               |----------|               |----------|

input  : |    |   |    |  |   |    |    |   |  |   |  |    |  |    |   |  
update :  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
render :   |    |   |    |  |   |    |    |   |  |   |  |    |  |    |   |


Factory function

createGameLoop(options:Object) => Object

Options object

var loop = createGameLoop({
    updateTimeStep: 1000 / 30,
    fpsFilterStrength: 20,
    slow: 1,
    input: function(){},
    update: function(step){},
    render: function(){}
Property Type Default Desc
updateTimeStep Number 1000/30 ~33ms Sets update time step to a fixed value
fpsFilterStrength Number 20 How often should FPS measurement change (1 means every frame)
slow Number 1 Slow motion coefficient (the bigger the slower)
input Function N/A This function is responsible for processing input
update Function(updateTimeStep:Number) N/A This function is responsible for updating game objects' properties, physics etc...
render Function N/A This function is responsible for drawing game objects

Returned object

Property Type Desc
start Function Starts the loop
stop Function Stops the loop
getFps Function Get FPS
getElapsedTime Function Get elapsed time
setSlow Function(slow:Number) Set slow motion coefficient

Inspiring blogs, posts

Javascript Game Foundations - The Game Loop

deWiTTERS Game Loop

The Curious Case of Casey and The Clearly Deterministic Contraptions

GAFFER ON GAMES - Fix Your Timestep!

A Detailed Explanation of JavaScript Game Loops and Timing

Game Loop