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updated combine_t algorithm
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alpavlenko committed Sep 25, 2023
1 parent 2093c74 commit 6dd4580
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Showing 6 changed files with 134 additions and 71 deletions.
167 changes: 112 additions & 55 deletions core/impl/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
from math import ceil
import json
from time import time as now
from typing import Any, List, Dict, Optional
from typing import Any, List, Dict, Optional, Tuple
from itertools import product

from output import Logger
Expand All @@ -9,26 +9,46 @@
from import Core

from function.model import Estimation
from function.module.budget import TaskBudget
from function.module.budget import TaskBudget, KeyLimit
from function.module.measure import Measure

from pysatmc.solver import Report
from pysatmc.problem import Problem
from pysatmc.variables import Assumptions
from pysatmc.variables import Assumptions, Supplements

from typings.searchable import Searchable
from util.iterable import concat, slice_by

IndexTask = Tuple[int, Supplements]

def hard_worker(problem: Problem, hard_tasks: List[Assumptions]) -> Report:
stats_sum, formula = {}, problem.encoding.get_formula()
TaskSlice = Tuple[List[Supplements], List[Supplements]]
IndexTaskSlice = Tuple[List[IndexTask], List[IndexTask]]

def propagate(problem: Problem, searchable: Searchable) -> TaskSlice:
up_tasks, no_up_tasks = [], []
formula = problem.encoding.get_formula(copy=False)
with problem.solver.get_instance(formula.hard) as solver:
for supplements in searchable.enumerate():
status, _, _ = solver.propagate(supplements)
if status is None or status:

return up_tasks, no_up_tasks

def limit_worker(problem: Problem, index_task: Tuple[int, Supplements],
limit: KeyLimit) -> Tuple[Tuple[int, Supplements], Report]:
formula = problem.encoding.get_formula(copy=False)
with problem.solver.get_instance(formula) as solver:
for assumptions in hard_tasks:
_, stats, _ = solver.solve((assumptions, []))
for key in set(stats_sum.keys()).union(stats.keys()):
stats_sum[key] = stats_sum.get(key, 0) + stats.get(key, 0)
return index_task, solver.solve(index_task[1], limit)

return Report(True, stats_sum, None)

def hard_worker(problem: Problem, hard_task: Assumptions) -> Report:
formula = problem.encoding.get_formula(copy=False)
return problem.solver.solve(formula, (hard_task, []))

class CombineT(Core):
Expand All @@ -43,58 +63,95 @@ def __init__(self, logger: Logger, measure: Measure, problem: Problem,
super().__init__(logger, problem, random_seed)

def launch(self, *searchables: Searchable) -> Estimation:
formula = self.problem.encoding.get_formula()
time_sum, value_sum, all_hard_tasks = 0, 0, []
time_sum, value_sum, all_hard_dict = 0, 0, {}
total_var_set, start_stamp = set(concat(*searchables)), now()
with self.problem.solver.get_instance(formula) as solver:
limit = self.measure.get_limit(self.budget)
for searchable in searchables:
index, count, hard_tasks = 0, 0, []
for supplements in searchable.enumerate():
report = solver.solve(supplements, limit)

all_no_up_tasks = []
with self.logger:
for index, searchable in enumerate(searchables):
_, no_up_tasks = propagate(self.problem, searchable)
(index, no_up_task) for
no_up_task in no_up_tasks
all_hard_dict[index] = []
print(searchable, len(no_up_tasks))

stats_sum, limit = {}, self.measure.get_limit(self.budget)
future_all, i = self.executor.submit_all(limit_worker, *(
(self.problem, task, limit) for task in all_no_up_tasks
)), 0
while len(future_all) > 0:
for future in future_all.as_complete(timeout=5):
(index, supplements), report = future.result()
tv = self.measure.check_and_get(report, self.budget)
time_sum, value_sum = time_sum + tv[0], value_sum + tv[1]
if report.status is None:
assumptions, _ = supplements

index += 1
count += (1 if report.model else 0)
print(f'{count}/{index}', report)
i, (status, _, model) = i + 1, report
if status is None: all_hard_dict[index].append(supplements)
_model = len(model) if status else ''
print(f'{i}/{len(all_no_up_tasks)}: {status}', end='')
print(', time:', time_sum, 'value:', value_sum)

print(searchable, 'hard:', len(hard_tasks))
all_hard_tasks = []
for index, hard_tasks in all_hard_dict.items():
print(f'{index}({len(hard_tasks)}): {hard_tasks}')
all_hard_tasks.append([a for a, c in hard_tasks])

print('time:', time_sum, 'value:', value_sum)
formula = self.problem.encoding.get_formula()
all_hard_tasks = sorted(all_hard_tasks, key=len, reverse=True)
with self.problem.solver.get_instance(formula.hard) as solver:
[acc_hard_tasks, *all_hard_tasks] = all_hard_tasks
for hard_tasks in all_hard_tasks:
acc_hard_tasks = [
concat(*parts) for parts in
product(acc_hard_tasks, hard_tasks)

no_up_acc_hard_task = []
for acc_hard_task in acc_hard_tasks:
status, _, _ = solver.propagate((acc_hard_task, []))
if status is None or status:

ratio = round(
len(no_up_acc_hard_task) / len(acc_hard_tasks), 2)
suf_str = f'{len(no_up_acc_hard_task)} (x{ratio})'
print(f'reduced: {len(acc_hard_tasks)} -> {suf_str}')
acc_hard_tasks = no_up_acc_hard_task

filename = 'hard_tasks_prod.jsonl'
if self.logger._session is not None:
filepath = self.logger._session.to_file(filename)
with open(filepath, 'a+') as handle:
for hard_task in acc_hard_tasks:
string = json.dumps({
"assumptions": hard_task

future_all, i = self.executor.submit_all(hard_worker, *(
(self.problem, hard_task) for hard_task in acc_hard_tasks
)), 0
while len(future_all) > 0:
for future in future_all.as_complete(count=1):
report = future.result()
i, (status, _, model) = i + 1, report
print(f'{i}/{len(acc_hard_tasks)}: {report}')
tv = self.measure.check_and_get(report, self.budget)
time_sum, value_sum = time_sum + tv[0], value_sum + tv[1]

[acc_hard_tasks, *all_hard_tasks] = all_hard_tasks
for hard_tasks, count in [(ts, len(ts)) for ts in all_hard_tasks]:
ht_count = count * len(acc_hard_tasks)
acc_hard_tasks = [
concat(*parts) for parts in
product(acc_hard_tasks, hard_tasks)
if solver.propagate((concat(*parts), [])).status
ratio = round(len(acc_hard_tasks) / ht_count, 2)
f'reduced: {ht_count} -> {len(acc_hard_tasks)} (x{ratio})')

split_into = ceil(len(acc_hard_tasks) / self.executor.max_workers)
for future in self.executor.submit_all(hard_worker, *(
(self.problem, hard_tasks) for hard_tasks
in slice_by(acc_hard_tasks, split_into)
time, value, _, _ = future.result()
time_sum, value_sum = time_sum + time, value_sum + value

return {
'value': time_sum,
'time_sum': time_sum,
'value_sum': value_sum,
'real_time': now() - start_stamp,
'hard_tasks': len(acc_hard_tasks),
'total_tasks': 2 ** len(total_var_set)
result = {
'value': time_sum,
'time_sum': time_sum,
'value_sum': value_sum,
'real_time': now() - start_stamp,
'hard_tasks': len(acc_hard_tasks),
'total_tasks': 2 ** len(total_var_set)
self.logger._format(result, filename='result.jsonl')
return result

def __config__(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
return {}
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22 changes: 12 additions & 10 deletions function/impl/
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Expand Up @@ -19,16 +19,18 @@ def tau_worker_fn(args: WorkerArgs, payload: Payload) -> WorkerResult:
limit = measure.get_limit(budget)
times, times2, values, values2 = {}, {}, {}, {}
formula, statuses = problem.encoding.get_formula(), {}
for supplements in gad_supplements(args, problem, searchable):
report = problem.solver.solve(formula, supplements, limit)
time, value, status = measure.check_and_get(report, budget)

times[status.value] = times.get(status.value, 0.) + time
values[status.value] = values.get(status.value, 0.) + value
statuses[status.value] = statuses.get(status.value, 0) + 1

times2[status.value] = times2.get(status.value, 0.) + time ** 2
values2[status.value] = values2.get(status.value, 0.) + value ** 2
with problem.solver.get_instance(formula) as incremental:
for supplements in gad_supplements(args, problem, searchable):
# todo: clear interrupt in incremental
report = incremental.solve(supplements, limit)
time, value, status = measure.check_and_get(report, budget)

times[status.value] = times.get(status.value, 0.) + time
values[status.value] = values.get(status.value, 0.) + value
statuses[status.value] = statuses.get(status.value, 0) + 1

times2[status.value] = times2.get(status.value, 0.) + time ** 2
values2[status.value] = values2.get(status.value, 0.) + value ** 2
return getpid(), now() - timestamp, times, times2, values, values2, statuses, args

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion pysatmc/encoding/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ def __iter__(self) -> List[Any]:

class Encoding:
def get_formula(self) -> Formula:
def get_formula(self, copy: bool = True) -> Formula:
raise NotImplementedError

def __config__(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
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5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions pysatmc/encoding/impl/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -24,15 +24,16 @@ def __init__(
self.from_clauses = from_clauses
self.comment_lead = comment_lead

def get_formula(self) -> formula.CNF:
def get_formula(self, copy: bool = True) -> formula.CNF:
if self.from_file is not None:
if self.from_file not in cnf_data:
_formula = formula.CNF(
cnf_data[self.from_file] = _formula
return cnf_data[self.from_file].copy()
return cnf_data[self.from_file].copy() if \
copy else cnf_data[self.from_file]

return formula.CNF(
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5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions pysatmc/encoding/impl/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,15 +19,16 @@ def __init__(
self.from_string = from_string
self.comment_lead = comment_lead

def get_formula(self) -> formula.WCNF:
def get_formula(self, copy: bool = True) -> formula.WCNF:
if self.from_file is not None:
if self.from_file not in wcnf_data:
_formula = formula.WCNF(
wcnf_data[self.from_file] = _formula
return wcnf_data[self.from_file].copy()
return wcnf_data[self.from_file].copy() if \
copy else wcnf_data[self.from_file]

return formula.WCNF(
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4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion pysatmc/solver/impl/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -196,7 +196,8 @@ def _create(
self, supplements: Supplements
) -> Tuple[Optional[AnySolver], Assumptions]:
assumptions, constraints = supplements
if isinstance(self.formula, fml.CNF):
if isinstance(self.formula, fml.CNF) or \
isinstance(self.formula, list):
name = self.settings.sat_name
if len(constraints) > 0:
solver = slv.Solver(name, self.formula)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -249,6 +250,7 @@ def solve(
extract_model: bool = True
) -> Report:
report = self._unit_check(supplements)
# print('check', report.status, supplements)
if report.status is not None: return report

solver, assumptions = self._create(supplements)
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