I've decided to make a flat, windows 10 style skin for my personal use, but someone else may be interested in it. I'm not planning on theming every emulator icon out there since there's way too many, the settings and applications tab are the only tabs with custom flat icons. If I figure out how to skin more default apps the skin will be updated
Feel free to modify and add your own colors! This can be done by tinting imgs\bottombar.png, imgs\topbar.png and the background image + changing some hex colors in skin.conf
Copy the skin folders to /media/data/local/home/.gmenu2x/skins
21.01.2020 - Added two more colors inspired by default console shells + few wallpapers which can be changed independently (clear, clearbright, cleardark)
The flat white icons were taken from https://github.com/m1024x/retrogame-skin-pack
Some of the icons are made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com
The rest was created by me
Theme base is the Default skin from Gmenu2x