All CK components can be found at and in one GitHub repository!
This project is hosted by the cTuning foundation.
This CK repository provides automated, portable and customizable workflows for AI/ML benchmarks. We suggest you to look at this Getting started guide before using CK.
The minimal installation requires:
- Python 2.7 or 3.3+ (limitation is mainly due to unitests)
- Git command line client.
You can install CK in your local user space as follows:
$ git clone
$ export PATH=$PWD/ck/bin:$PATH
You can also install CK via PIP with sudo to avoid setting up environment variables yourself:
$ sudo pip install ck
$ ck pull repo:ck-tbd-suite
Note that CK will download other CK repositories with required dependencies including TensorFlow and ImageNet CK packages.
If you already have CK and repositories installed, we suggest you to update them as follows:
$ ck update all
$ ck detect platform.gpgpu --cuda
If you are prompted to choose a platform description, select the one the name of which is the same or similar to your platform or generic-linux
$ ck detect platform
Before running AI/ML benchmarking via CK, you need to install ImageNet data sets or detect already installed ones.
Just for a test, you can install a tiny ImageNet training data set (several MB) via CK as follows:
$ ck install package:imagenet-2012-train-min
You can later install a full ImageNet training data set (~150GB) via CK which will co-exist with the above one as follows:
$ ck install package:imagenet-2012-train
Alternatively, you can detect already installed training sets as follows:
$ ck detect soft:dataset.imagenet.train --search_dirs={root path to your training dataset}
In the same way, you can install a small demo ImageNe validation data set (a few MB) via CK:
$ ck install package:imagenet-2012-val-min
and later full ImageNet validation data set (~10GB) via CK
$ ck install package:imagenet-2012-val
or detect already installed ones as follows:
$ ck detect soft:dataset.imagenet.val --search_dirs={root path to your validation dataset}
You can see all registered virtual environments in the CK as follows:
$ ck show env
You can install different versions of TF via CK as follows:
$ ck install package --tags=lib,tensorflow
For example, you can install pre-built CUDA version of TensorFlow 1.8.0 if you have CUDA >=9.0 as follows:
$ ck install package:lib-tensorflow-1.8.0-cuda
or TensorFlow 1.4.0 if you have CUDA < 9.0 as follows:
$ ck install package:lib-tensorflow-1.4.0-cuda
You can now convert your tiny demo ImageNet training set to a TF format as follows:
$ ck install package:imagenet-2012-train-min-tf
and/or the full one as follows:
$ ck install package:imagenet-2012-train-tf
However processing of the full training set requires a large amount of disk space (~100GB) and execution time (hours and even days), you can detect already processed training set in the TF format as follows (for example on a shared drive):
$ ck detect
Now you can try to run image classification training using TF as follows:
$ ck run program:image-classification-inception-tf
You need to select a specific command line:
- train (default benchmarking)
- train-and-profile (to use nvprof)
- train-and-profile-fp32 (to use nvprof & fp32)
You can also customize your training run as follows:
$ ck run program:image-classification-inception-tf --env.LEARNING_OPTIMIZER=sgd \
--env.BATCH_SIZE=32 \
--env.LEARNING_RATE=0.1 \
--env.WEIGHT_DECAY=0.0001 \
You can clean all temporal check points by adding "--clean" flag:
$ ck run program:image-classification-inception-tf --clean
To run a small test use the following command line:
$ ck run program:image-classification-inception-tf --env.BATCH_SIZE=2 --env.MAX_NUMBER_OF_STEPS=100 --clean
We plan to add a CK package for a smaller training set (to validate the functionality of this workflow), CK module to expose or calculate accuracy of a final model, and automate collection and processing of nvprof statistics.
We also plan to prepare CK modules to perform exploration of above parameters and save results in a ReQuEST format to visualize them via live CK scoreboard.