gulp plugin for the dotnet cli.
You can run dotnet action --help
to get help on a specific action ex. dotnet build --help
, or view our Api docs
You must have the dotnet cli installed and on your path.
First, install gulp-dotnet-cli
npm install --save-dev gulp-dotnet-cli
Then add it to your gulpfile.js
let {restore, build, test, pack, publish} = require('gulp-dotnet-cli');
let version = `1.3.` + process.env.BUILD_NUMBER || '0';
let configuration = process.env.BUILD_CONFIGURATION || 'Release';
let gulp = require('gulp');
//restore nuget packages
gulp.task('restore', ()=>{
return gulp.src('**/*.csproj', {read: false})
gulp.task('build', ['restore'], ()=>{
//this could be **/*.sln if you wanted to build solutions
return gulp.src('**/*.csproj', {read: false})
.pipe(build({configuration: configuration, version: version}));
//run unit tests
gulp.task('test', ['build'], ()=>{
return gulp.src('**/*test*.csproj', {read: false})
//compile and publish an application to the local filesystem
gulp.task('publish', ['test'], ()=>{
return gulp.src('src/TestWebProject.csproj', {read: false})
.pipe(publish({configuration: configuration, version: version}));
//convert a project to a nuget package
gulp.task('pack', ['build'], ()=>{
return gulp.src('**/TestLibrary.csproj', {read: false})
output: path.join(process.cwd(), 'nupkgs') ,
version: version
//push nuget packages to a server
gulp.task('push', ['pack'], ()=>{
return gulp.src('nupkgs/*.nupkg', {read: false})
apiKey: process.env.NUGET_API_KEY,
source: ''}));
You can find a working example in our test directory