My goal is to implement a CLI tool like leetcode-cli. And my teammate(@曾德勤 ) will wrap it to a Virsual Studio Code extension like this.
clone this repo, install rust and cargo, then build or run.
# install cargo and rust for linux or macOS
curl -sSf | sh
git clone
cd coding-interview-cli
cargo build --release
sudo cp ./target/release/cinterview /usr/local/bin
Login mode is to be implemented
There are two mode: login or not login. If you login, the submit history will be based on the remote history of you acount. And if not, it's based on your local log.
The default mode is not login.
# change to login mode
cinterview login
# then input username
# and input password
# download problem details from network. And coding templates will be generated in the current directory.
cinterview init
# get current problems status
cinterview list
# -e means exams mode
# the first arg after `submit` should be the suffix of the lanugage in which
# you're going to submit the code.
# includes: cc, py, java, php, js, cs ...
cinterview submit -e cc 1 2 3
# -t means test mode
cinterview submit -t java 12
The difference between these two mode is whether you can get the error message if your code is not correct. Default it test mode.
Clean local problems data.
cinterview clean
- support all languages
- more readable output
- login
- generate submit code from test code automatically
- vscode extension