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EMLO Site Edit-2

This repository is a re-boot of the software behind the Early Modern Letters Online (EMLO) project for the Bodleian Libraries of the University of Oxford.

More precisely this repository holds a new front-end design of the old one that can be found here.

Project resides here and a list of relevant documents can be found here.

The previous development approach was based on a modular, decoupled (almost) services like approach we are now going for a more monolithic style approach.

Dependencies (see requirements.txt):

How to run all unitest with docker

docker-compose -f $EMLO_CODE_HOME/docker-compose.yml -f $EMLO_CODE_HOME/docker-compose-dev.yml up pycharm-py

How to use data migration tool

python3 data_migration -d ouls -p password -u postgres -o -t 15432
  • all input parameter is for connecting to old database (old db name, old password, old db host.... )

if you need to use your own settings you can use --settings

python3 data_migration --settings=siteedit2.settings.local_dev -d ouls -p password -u postgres -o -t 15432

How to create superuser

python3 createsuperuser

How to run export tool

after runnning following command, all csv files will be generated in current folder or source code folder if you run in docker

python3 exporter
  • or docker
# site-edit-2_web_1 is the name of docker container, could be different in your environment
docker exec -it site-edit-2_web_1 python3 /code/ exporter

Changes to database schema

Because of EMLO Edit's interdependence with EMLO Collect and EMLO Front end it has been a major requirement to leave the database schema as unchanged as possible.

The changes that have been made were due either to the older version being incompatible with Django or to increase efficiency. The previous database schema had several views which are not used in the new database schema.

Table name Action Purpose Comment
cofk_collect_institution, cofk_collect_location, cofk_collect_manifestation, cofk_collect_person, cofk_collect_work Primary key column added Transient data for reviews 5 main entity collect tables. See discussion below under Collect tables changes
cofk_collect_addressee_of_work, cofk_collect_author_of_work, cofk_collect_destination_of_work, cofk_collect_institution_resource, cofk_collect_location_resource, cofk_collect_occupation_of_person, cofk_collect_origin_of_work, cofk_collect_person_mentioned_in_work, cofk_collect_person_resource, cofk_collect_place_mentioned_in_work, cofk_collect_subject_of_work, cofk_collect_work_resource Main entity column now references new primary key Transient data for reviews 12 secondary relationship tables. See discussion below under Collect tables changes
cofk_collect_image_of_manif Data migrated Transient data for reviews A secondary table seemingly not used. All iwork_ids are null and all image_filename values are of the format "012r" or "012v". There are 25,868 records in this table. Because there are no linked works in this table there is no unique constraint set.
cofk_collect_work_summary Dropped Transient data for reviews In the old database there is the function dbf_cofk_collect_write_work_summary which is called in upload_import2Postgres.php serving a compatible function to cofk_union_queryable_work and cofk_union_person_summary. Note that this is only called via EMLO Edit which explains the difference of records between CofkCollectwork (330.361) and CofkCollectWorkSummary (288.498).
cofk_union_queryable_work, cofk_union_person_summary Dropped To make entities related to works/people searchable Related entities made searchable using joins
pro_activity, pro_activity_relation, pro_assertion, pro_ingest_map_v2, pro_ingest_v8, pro_ingest_v8_toreview, pro_location, pro_people_check, pro_primary_person, pro_relationship, pro_role_in_activity, pro_textual_source Dropped To hold information on prosopography
cofk_collect_tool_user, cofk_collect_tool_session Table created but data not migrated User table only holds one row, session table is empty.
cofk_union_nationality Table created Table holds no data in original schema. No references in new codebase. There is nationality.php and relationship type RELTYPE_PERSON_MEMBER_OF_NATIONALITY in old codebase.
cofk_union_speed_entry_text Dropped Helper prompt when editing resources Old table holds 19 rows. Replaced with JS prompts in forms.
cofk_help_options, cofk_help_pages Dropped Both tables are empty and not referenced in old codebase.
cofk_menu Dropped Internal routing table Hierarchical routing table with 182 rows.
cofk_reports, cofk_report_groups, cofk_report_outputs Dropped All three tables empty.
cofk_union_relationship Dropped Mapping relationships between entities This table had ~1.5 million rows. It has been broken down into dedicated relationship tables managed by Django such as cofk_institution_resource_map that links institutions to resources.

Collect table changes

The Collect tables used composite primary keys extensively, combining the upload id and the entity id. Django does not support composite primary keys (see overview) the solution has therefore been to use the collect entity keys as foreign keys to the new main entity primary keys. For instance:

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS public.cofk_collect_location
    upload_id integer NOT NULL,
    location_id integer NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT cofk_collect_location_pkey PRIMARY KEY (upload_id, location_id),


CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS public.cofk_collect_location
    id bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('cofk_collect_location_id_seq'::regclass),
    upload_id integer NOT NULL,
    location_id integer NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT cofk_collect_location_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id),
CONSTRAINT cofk_collect_location_upload_id_location_id_50c243da_uniq UNIQUE (upload_id, location_id),

The secondary Collect tables that hold information about relationship types can no longer link to parent tables via composite keys and instead have to refer to the single primary key in the collect table, they go from:

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS public.cofk_collect_destination_of_work
    upload_id integer NOT NULL,
    destination_id integer NOT NULL,
    location_id integer NOT NULL,
    iwork_id integer NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT cofk_collect_destination_of_work_pkey PRIMARY KEY (upload_id, iwork_id, destination_id),


CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS public.cofk_collect_destination_of_work
    id bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('cofk_collect_destination_of_work_id_seq'::regclass),
    destination_id integer NOT NULL,
    location_id bigint NOT NULL,
    upload_id integer NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT cofk_collect_destination_of_work_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id),
CONSTRAINT cofk_collect_destination_upload_id_iwork_id_desti_d398f1ac_uniq UNIQUE (upload_id, iwork_id, destination_id),

with upload_id, iwork_id and location_id being foreign keys.

Implications for EMLO Collect

EMLO Collect code inserts directly into the Postgres tables and this does not affect the main entity tables as they only have an added id sequence value.

For the secondary relationship tables however the changes mean that the *entity*_id in the secondary table now refers to the new primary key of the new entity table.


The tables cofk_collect_origin_of_work and cofk_collect_destination_of_work contain 34,357 and 16,350 records respectively. However cofk_collect_work has the fields origin_id and destination_id which contain 274,053 and 170,789 records respectively that have a non null value for that field. In other words two methods have been used to link together Collect Works and Collect Locations, via the dedicated tables or via fields in cofk_collect_work.

It is not possible to convert the fields origin_id and destination_id in cofk_collect_work into foreign keys because that would create a cyclical relationship between the tables.

Instead 239,526 new cofk_collect_origin_of_work and 154,463 cofk_collect_destination_of_work records will be created as part of the data migration process. This renders the origin_id and destination_id of the cofk_collect_work obsolete.