Simple SDL & Data filter project
Tested on MacOS BigSur(11.2.3)
- Nearly 600 available words to play
- In-Game timer
- Awesome Sound FX!™
- Leaderboards
- Varying game difficulties - choose from Easy, Hard and Hell
- AI player auto guessing
All assets are freely available in the public domain / under the creative commons license.
All sound effects are non-attribution cc.
The ambience.ogg main background track is from freesounds. Attribution: sound from
The font 'Fira Code Semi-Bold' is by Dieter Steffmann and is free to use.
- SDL2-2.0.12
- SDL2_image-2.0.5
- SDL2_ttf-2.0.15
- jvs47 @jvs47
- Based on: Hangman( by @skick1234