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This is an OCaml implementation of the SC Merge rules, using Cassandra/Scylla as a backend database.


This implementation uses OCaml, and the ocaml-scylla library as an interface to scylla/cassandra.


This has been packaged here as a Nix package (./ocaml-scylla.nix) for use in nix-shell (Nick's dev environment). Without nix-shell, the library should be installable with the following command (Nick has not tested it), according to the README for ocaml-mrdt-v2 which also uses it.

$ opam pin add scylla [email protected]:anmolsahoo25/ocaml-scylla



First, get a scylla node running as a docker container.

$ docker run -p 9042:9042 --name some-scylla -d scylladb/scylla --smp 1

The --smp argument restricts it to using one CPU core, which prevented it from crashing in my case. You can check if the node started up successfully by running:

$ docker logs some-scylla | tail

Official guide to running Scylla in Docker

Next, run the demo program.

First, the demo program creates a content-addressed store and branch-tracking store, assigns several value versions to the branches, and merges the changes between them using fast-forward and 3-way merge.

Second, it recreates the blocked merge from the SC Merge notes using 6 branches.

Third, it prints out information from the database tables.

$ nix-shell
(nix-shell) $ cd src
(nix-shell) $ dune build
(nix-shell) $ _build/default/demo.exe

(If not using nix-shell, skip the nix-shell call and make sure you have installed dune, ocaml, and ocaml-scylla.)

At the end of the demo, the final pull from branch cc2 into branch cc1 fails because the two branches have concurrent LCAs with the third branch cc3. The branches ca1, ca2, cc1, cc2, and cc3 represent the five branches in the blocked merge diagram from the SC Merge notes (with branch c being their common root branch).

The bottom of the file is the script of forks, updates, and pulls that produces the above behavior.


The file defines a CLI-friendly wrapper around the MergeDB module. MergeDB is the main entrypoint for development, providing implementations of the commit, fork, and pull (covering fastforward and merge) rules.

MergeDB interface

MergeDB implementation

The MergeDB module in turn uses four database tables, through their associated modules.


ContentStore is a content-addressed store for committed values. Values must implement the Content.STORABLE interface by providing hash and serialization functions to be stored in the ContentStore. The module StringData provides an implemenation for strings.

[Row schema] (key: blob, value blob)


VersionGraph is an edgelist table storing parent-child relationships between versions.

[Row schema] (
  child_branch blob,
  child_version_num int,
  child_content_id blob,
  parent_branch blob,
  parent_version_num int,
  parent_content_id blob,

Branch names could probably be Ascii strings, but I defined them as Blobs following the example from ocaml-mrdt-v2 and have not changed it. This makes debugging the database using cqlsh, for example, inconvenient. However, VersionGraph and a few other modules have debug_dump functions that print the contents of the table to the console.


HeadMap maintains the current head version of each branch.

[Row schema] (
  branch blob,
  version_num int,
  content_id blob,

The branch value is the primary key, and the three elements of the row make up the complete "version" value it points to.


LcaMap maintains the LCAs of each pair of branches.

[Row schema] (
  branch1 blob,
  branch2 blob,
  lca_branch blob,
  lca_version_num int,
  lca_content_id blob,

The pair of branches is the primary key, and the other 3 elements make up the LCA version value. When inserting or selecting, the requested branch pair is always sorted so that only one ordering appears in the table.