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These cmds are Ideal for Active Directory IAM

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These cmds are Ideal for Active Directory IAM Active Directory PowerShell Commands View all Active Directory commands get-command -Module ActiveDirectory Display Basic Domain Information Get-ADDomain Get all Domain Controllers by Hostname and Operating Get-ADDomainController -filter * | select hostname, operatingsystem Get all Fine Grained Password Policies Get-ADFineGrainedPasswordPolicy -filter * Get Domain Default Password Policy Gets the password policy from the logged in domain

Get-ADDefaultDomainPasswordPolicy Backup Active Directory System State Remotely This will back up the domain controllers system state data. Change DC-Name to your server name and change the Backup-Path. The backup path can be a local disk or a UNC path

invoke-command -ComputerName DC-Name -scriptblock {wbadmin start systemstateback up -backupTarget:"Backup-Path" -quiet} AD User PowerShell Commands This section is all Active Directory user commands

Get User and List All Properties (attributes) Change username to the samAccountName of the account

Get-ADUser username -Properties * Get User and List Specific Properties Just add whatever you want to display after select

Get-ADUser username -Properties * | Select name, department, title Get All Active Directory Users in Domain Get-ADUser -Filter * Get All Users From a Specific OU OU = the distinguished path of the OU

Get-ADUser -SearchBase “OU=ADPRO Users,dc=ad,” -Filter * Get AD Users by Name This command will find all users that have the word robert in the name. Just change robert to the word you want to search for.

get-Aduser -Filter {name -like "robert"} Get All Disable User Accounts Search-ADAccount -AccountDisabled | select name Disable User Account Disable-ADAccount -Identity rallen Enable User Account Enable-ADAccount -Identity rallen Get All Accounts with Password Set to Never Expire get-aduser -filter * -properties Name, PasswordNeverExpires | where {$_.passwordNeverExpires -eq "true" } | Select-Object DistinguishedName,Name,Enabled Find All Locked User Accounts Search-ADAccount -LockedOut Unlock User Account Unlock-ADAccount –Identity john.smith List all Disabled User Accounts Search-ADAccount -AccountDisabled Force Password Change at Next Login Set-ADUser -Identity username -ChangePasswordAtLogon $true Move a Single User to a New OU You will need the distinguishedName of the user and the target OU

Move-ADObject -Identity "CN=Test User (0001),OU=ADPRO Users,DC=ad,DC=activedirectorypro,DC=com" -TargetPath "OU=HR,OU=ADPRO Users,DC=ad,DC=activedirectorypro,DC=com" Move Users to an OU from a CSV Setup a csv with a name field and a list of the users sAmAccountNames. Then just change the target OU path.

Specify target OU. $TargetOU = "OU=HR,OU=ADPRO Users,DC=ad,DC=activedirectorypro,DC=com" # Read user sAMAccountNames from csv file (field labeled "Name"). Import-Csv -Path Users.csv | ForEach-Object { # Retrieve DN of User. $UserDN = (Get-ADUser -Identity $_.Name).distinguishedName # Move user to target OU. Move-ADObject -Identity $UserDN -TargetPath $TargetOU }

AD Group Commands Get All members Of A Security group Get-ADGroupMember -identity “HR Full” Get All Security Groups This will list all security groups in a domain

Get-ADGroup -filter * Add User to Group Change group-name to the AD group you want to add users to

Add-ADGroupMember -Identity group-name -Members Sser1, user2 Export Users From a Group This will export group members to a CSV, change group-name to the group you want to export.

Get-ADGroupMember -identity “Group-name” | select name | Export-csv -path C:\OutputGroupmembers.csv -NoTypeInformation Get Group by keyword Find a group by keyword. Helpful if you are not sure of the name, change group-name.

get-adgroup -filter * | Where-Object {$ -like "group-name"} Import a List of Users to a Group $members = Import-CSV c:itadd-to-group.csv | Select-Object -ExpandProperty samaccountname Add-ADGroupMember -Identity hr-n-drive-rw -Members $members AD Computer Commands Get All Computers This will list all computers in the domain

Get-AdComputer -filter * Get All Computers by Name This will list all the computers in the domain and only display the hostname

Get-ADComputer -filter * | select name Get All Computers from an OU Get-ADComputer -SearchBase "OU=DN" -Filter * Get a Count of All Computers in Domain Get-ADComputer -filter * | measure Get all Windows 10 Computers Change Windows 10 to any OS you want to search for

Get-ADComputer -filter {OperatingSystem -Like 'Windows 10'} -property * | select name, operatingsystem Get a Count of All computers by Operating System This will provide a count of all computers and group them by the operating system. A great command to give you a quick inventory of computers in AD.

Get-ADComputer -Filter "name -like '*'" -Properties operatingSystem | group -Property operatingSystem | Select Name,Count Delete a single Computer Remove-ADComputer -Identity "USER04-SRV4" Delete a List of Computer Accounts Add the hostnames to a text file and run the command below.

Get-Content -Path C:ComputerList.txt | Remove-ADComputer Delete Computers From an OU Get-ADComputer -SearchBase "OU=DN" -Filter * | Remote-ADComputer Group Policy Section Get all GPO related commands get-command -Module grouppolicy Get all GPOs by status get-GPO -all | select DisplayName, gpostatus Backup all GPOs in the Domain Backup-Gpo -All -Path E:GPObackup Office 365 PowerShell Commands Connect To Exchange Online This will pop up and ask for credentials

$UserCredential = Get-Credential $Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri -Credential $LiveCred -Authentication Basic -AllowRedirection Import-PSSession $Session Force Azure Sync This is for the azure ad sync client.

Force delta sync (only sync changes

Start-ADSyncSyncCycle -PolicyType Delta Force a full sync Start-ADSyncSyncCycle -PolicyType Initial Get A List of All Office 365 Users Get-MsolUser | Select DisplayName, City, Department, ObjectID Get Full mailbox details Get-Mailbox email-address | fl Get Calendar Permissions Get-MailboxFolderPermission username:calendar Enable Remote Mailbox (Hybrid Environment) Use this command if you have an existing on-premise user that needs an office 365 mailbox. There are other ways to do this but this creates all the attributes in the AD account.

Replace the username and the tenant fields

Enable-RemoteMailbox username -RemoteRoutingAddress "[email protected]" Windows Server & Client Commands Get all Services get-service Get all Processes get-process Display Network Adapters Gets detailed about the network adapter installed such as name, status, speed and mac address.

get-netadapater Restart Remote Computers Restart-Computer -ComputerName "Server01", "Server02", "localhost" Get Last Boot Time This takes a few lines

$os = Get-WmiObject win32_operatingsystem $uptime = (Get-Date) - $os.ConvertToDateTime($os.LastBootUpTime) Write-Output ("Last boot: " + $os.ConvertToDateTime($os.LastBootUpTime)) You can also run this single line to get last boot time

systeminfo | more Start a Remote Session Use this to start an interactive session with a remote computer

Enter-PSSession -ComputerName Read the Content of a File (Open a file) This example shows how to read the content of the windows firewall log file

Get-Content -Path "c:windowssystem32logfilesfirewallpfirewall.log" Copy Files & Folders Use this command to copy an entire folder to another folder. This will copy the folder and all the sub folder/files. The -verbose command will display the results to the console.

copy-item E:\WindowsImageBackup\exchange -destination \server1\Backups\Exchange -recurse -verbose Basic PowerShell Commands Get Execution Policy get-executionpolicy Set Execution Policy to Unrestricted set-executionpolicy unrestricted Show PowerShell Version $PSVersionTable Get help for a command Use this to get the help information for a command

get-help command-name Search Get Help Use this to search the help files. This is useful if you don’t know the command or want to see if one exists.

get-help keyword Get Installed Modules Use this command to display all the installed modules on a computer

get-installedmodule List All Available Modules This will list all available modules on the computer.

Get-Module -ListAvailable Exporting results to CSV Add export-csv to the end of commands

Get-ADUser username -Properties * | Select name, department, title | export-csv c:\user.csv Display available commands This will display all commands that are available based on the modules that are loaded.

get-command Find New Modules Replace ntfs with the keyword you want to search for. This searches modules at

Find-Module ntfs Install a New Module Installs modules from

I found a module called NTFSSecurity, to install it I run this command

install-module NTFSSecurity


These cmds are Ideal for Active Directory IAM






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