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Register new iOS device to Apple Developer account #31

Register new iOS device to Apple Developer account

Register new iOS device to Apple Developer account #31

# Automation to allow employees in the company to download and install our internal iOS apps.
# This workflow is designed to be executed automatically by Firebase when a new device is added.
# But, if needed, you can also run it manually from the GitHub website.
name: Register new iOS device to Apple Developer account
workflow_dispatch: # manually run the action from GitHub website or from GitHub API
description: 'iOS Device UDID'
required: true
type: string
description: 'Device model of the iOS device (Example: iPhone 14 Pro)'
required: true
type: string
description: 'Email address for who owns this iOS device'
required: true
type: string
# Secrets required on github repository to run this workflow.
# View doc on how to find the values for these secrets.
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Hide the inputs values to keep them private in the logs when running this workflow
uses: levibostian/action-hide-sensitive-inputs@v1
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Install Fastlane (via ruby and Bundler) used for managing code signing files
uses: ruby/setup-ruby@v1
ruby-version: '3.0'
bundler-cache: true # runs 'bundle install' and caches installed gems automatically
- name: Register new iOS device to company Apple Developer account
# runs function inside of fastlane/Fastfile
run: bundle exec fastlane register_new_ios_device ios_device_udid:"${{ inputs.ios_device_udid }}" device_tester_email:"${{ inputs.device_tester_email }}" device_model_name:"${{ inputs.device_model_name }}"
# Apple requires that code signing files get re-created after adding a new test device to Developer account in order for new app builds to be installable by this new iOS device.
- name: Recrete code signing files to include new test device
run: bundle exec fastlane create_all_code_signing_files
# Below, we can now trigger other CI server jobs to make new builds of iOS apps so the new tester
# is able to download builds right now.
# - name: Create new build of Remote Habits for tester to be able to download right now
# uses: benc-uk/workflow-dispatch@v1
# with:
# workflow: manual-build.yml
# repo: customerio/RemoteHabits-iOS
# Optionally: send an email via CIO to the tester :)
# - name: Send email to tester saying we have added them to the account