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ASP.NET Core Security Project: Configuring Application for Security

In this project, we’ll take an existing conference application written in ASP.NET Core and implement several simple security measures to help improve application security.

Setup the Application

Using Visual Studio

If you want to use Visual Studio (highly recommended) follow the following steps:

  • If you already have Visual Studio installed make sure you have .NET Core installed by running the "Visual Studio Installer" and making sure ".NET Core cross-platform development" is checked.
  • If you need to install Visual Studio download it at by selecting "Community 2019" from the "Dowload Visual Studio" drop down list. (If you're using Windows you'll want to check "ASP.NET" and ".NET Core cross-platform development" on the workloads screen during installation.)
  • Open the .sln file in Visual Studio.
  • To run the application simply press the Start Debug button (green arrow) or press F5.
  • If you're using Visual Studio on Windows, to run tests open the Test menu, click Run, then click on Run all tests. (results will show up in the Test Explorer)
  • If you're using Visual Studio on macOS, to run tests select the ConferenceTrackerTests Project, then go to the Run menu, then click on Run Unit Tests. (results will show up in the Unit Tests panel)

(Note: All tests should fail at this point. This is by design. As you progress through the project, more and more tests will pass. All tests should pass upon completion of the project.)

Using a Tool Other Than Visual Studio

If you would rather use something other than Visual Studio:

  • Install the .NET Core SDK from once that installation completes, you're ready to get started!
  • To run the application go into the ConferenceTracker project folder and type dotnet run.
  • To run the tests go into the ConferenceTrackerTests project folder and type dotnet test.

Features you will implement

Tasks necessary to complete implementation

Note: This isn't the only way to implement this project. However, this is what the project's tests are expecting. Implementing the features in a different way will likely result in being marked as incomplete / incorrect.

Improve application security through Startup configuration

In order to properly secure any web application, HTTPS's end to end encryption has become effectively a mandatory to help prevent "man in the middle" attacks.

  • Redirect users who access the web application through HTTP to use HTTPS instead
    • In Startup class's Configure method, call the UseHttpsRedirection method on app. (This should be done after our database is created, but before UseStaticFiles is called.)

To help prevent "protocol downgrade" and "cookie hijacking" attacks we can utilize HTTP Strict-Transport-Security (HSTS). This should be limited to only happen in production.

  • Setup the web application to use the HSTS header
    • In Startup class's Configure method, as the very first thing we do in that method, call the IsDevelopment method on env, and check if it returns true or false.
      • If false, call UseHsts on app.

We need the ability to see when something has gone wrong in detail as a developer, while also ensuring we don't accidentally expose that information to our users.

  • Setup separate error pages for developers and users
    • In Startup class's Configure method, if IsDevelopment returns:
      • false call the UseExceptionHandler method on app with an argument of "/Home/Error" before the call to UseHsts.
      • true call the UseDeveloperExceptionPage method on app and the UseDatabaseErrorPage method on app.

The best way to prevent "Cross Orgin" attacks is to not use Cross-Origin Resourc Sharing (CORS). However this isn't always an option: in such cases we can specify which domains to allow requests.

  • Setup CORS to permit requests from a single domain
    • In our Startup class, create a new private readonly field of type string named _allowedOrigins, and set it to the value "_allowedOrigins".
    • In our Startup class's ConfigureServices method, add a call to the method AddCors on services and provide it an argument of options => { options.AddPolicy(_allowedOrigins, builder => { builder.WithOrigins(""); }); }. (This is specifying the name of our CORS policy, and providing what domains will be permitted)
    • In our Startup class's Configure method, add a call to UseCors on app with _allowedOrigins as the arguement. Do this before our call to UseHttpsRedirection.

Logging is an important strategy for diagnosing bugs, spotting attempts to compromise security, as well as investigating what happened after something has gone wrong.

Note: Logging methods are not asynchronous, nor should they be as logging asynchronously can cause logged messages to be out of order.

Note: Logging is enabled by default and provides Console, Debug, EventSource, and EventLog logging. EventLog is a Windows feature, and on other operating systems EventLog logging will be ignored.

  • Add logging to our Startup class

    • Update our Startup class's Configure method, to log if the application is running in development.
      • Add a using directive for Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.
      • Update the Configure method's signature to take a third parameter of type ILogger<Startup> with a name of logger.
      • In our existing condition that checks if IsDevelopment is true, when true call LogInformation on logger with an argument of "Environment is in development" before our exception handling.
  • Add logging to our PresentationsController class

    • In our PresentationsController class, add a private readonly field of type ILogger named _logger.
    • Update our PresentationsController update the constructor to take a third parameter of type ILogger<PresentationsController> named logger and set _logger to logger.

    We'll add logging to see when our Edit action is called, and what outcome occurred via logging. Note some of this logging will duplicate built in logging. We will not add logging to everything. This is simply to familiarize yourself with logging in a controller action.

    • Update our PresentationsController's Edit method (the HTTP Get not the HTTP Post Edit method), add the following logging.
      • As the very first line call LogInformation on _logger with a message "Getting presentation id:" + id + " for edit.".
      • Inside the condition where we check if id is null, before we return NotFound(), call LogError on _logger with a message "Presentation id was null.".
      • Inside the condition where we check if presentation is null, before we return NotFound(), call LogWarning on _logger with a message "Presentation id," + id + ", was not found.".
      • Immediately before we set our ViewData, call LogInformation on _logger with a message "Presentation id," + id + ", was found. Returning 'Edit view'.

We need to be very careful handling sensitive information like connection strings. We absolutely DO NOT want these in our code base where they could accidently be committed to our repository potentially compromising our database credentials. Instead, locally we can use UserSecrets and in production EnvirornmentVariables to handle this information securely.

First we need to set up UserSecrets and EnvironmentVariables, as of ASP.NET Core 2.0 that's just done by default when CreateDefaultBuilder is called in our Program class! So, we can skip to just putting them to use!

  • Add a call to retrieve SecretMessage from Configuration
    • Inside our Startup class's ConfigureServices method, set our SecretMessage property using to the returned value from Configuration["SecretMessage"]. Normally, you'd use this to contain things like connection strings. However, since we're using an InMemory database, this is simply being used as an example, and serves no functional purpose.

This is how you set user secrets. However, because they're a secret only stored on your local computer, we can't actually check to see if you did it right. Which is a good thing... but... means we can't tell you if it worked :)

  • Create a "Password" secret
    • We're going to use the .NET Core CLI (Command Line Interface).
    • In the CLI navigate to the ConferenceTracker directory, not the solution's directory. (You can use the cd command to navigate between directories. Example: cd ConferenceTracker)
    • Enter the command dotnet user-secrets init
      • this sets the secretsId for your project
    • Enter the command dotnet user-secrets set "SecretMessage" "Keep it secret, Keep it safe."
      • this sets a secret with the key "SecretMessage" with a value "Keep it secret, Keep it safe."

While not directly security related, we do need to ensure we're complying with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) legislation if our website is accessible to Europe. From the web application perspective this means we need to set our cookie policy.

  • Add CookiePolicy to our Startup class to get user consent for any cookies we might use
    • Inside Startup class's ConfigureServices method, anywhere before our call to AddControllersWithViews, call Configure<CookiePolicyOptions> on services with the argument options => { options.CheckConsentNeeded = context => true; options.MinimumSameSitePolicy = SameSiteMode.None; }. (Don't worry about specifically what these arguments mean. You'll need to change them based on what cookies you use and what they store)
    • Inside Startup class's Configure method, anywhere before our call to UseRouting, call UseCookiePolicy on app.

What Now?

You've completed the tasks of this project. Congratulations! If you want to continue working on this project, some next steps would be to expand the existing functionality of the application to include an administration section to manage your existing users, implement caching, and make the information stored in the application available via a secure API.

Otherwise now is a good time to continue the ASP.NET Core path to expand your understanding of the ASP.NET Core framework, or delve into the C# path to expand your knowledge of the C# programming language.


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