Active Sattelite Radio Tracking Antenna(ASTRA) is a software for automatic control of a rotator.
Install Raspberry Pi OS Legacy (bullseye). Make sure to download the bullseye verison because python2 won't work correcty on the other versions.
Remove python3 with the following commands.
sudo apt-get remove python3
sudo apt-get remove autoremove
sudo apt-get remove autoclean
Follow the installation instructions of the gasctld driver.
Download ASTRA with the command
git clone -b Socket-Interface
gcc -o ASTRA_Program ASTRA/main.c -lm
to compile the code.
Modify the Station.txt
file by entering the lattitude, longitude, and altitude of the Ground Station.
By default the file is setup for the USU GAS Ground Station in Logan, UT.
- Turn on the rotator driver by running
./gasctld/greenctld --az-device /dev/ttyUSB0 --el-device /dev/ttyUSB1
Remember that the USB adresses may be different in some cases. - Turn on ASTRA by running
in a seperate terminal.