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Giko Tracer

Input MS PGothic MesloLGS Nerd Font
sample/sample.png Reference image sample/meslolgs_nf.png Proportional font, 32 characters tall sample/sample.png Monospace font, 64 characters tall

Giko Tracer is a project to convert images into ASCII and ASCII-adjacent art.

ASCII and ASCII-adjacent art is collectively referred to as AA.

Key Features

  • Ascii art generated with contour tracing
    • Compact and detailed ascii art
  • Based on unicode encoding
  • Font agnostic
  • Supports proportional fonts
  • Written in C
    • Fast and lightweight


  • libgiko: an API library
  • giko-trace: a CLI tool to convert images into ascii art



  • gcc
  • pkg-config
  • freetype2
  • magick
    • ImageMagick might already be installed as part of your OS / distribution.
    • Check with magick --version.
    • Otherwise, install with your favourite package manager or build from source.

To build both libgiko and giko-trace, run the following commands:

git clone
cd giko-tracer


Giko Trace

After building, install giko-trace on the system level by running:

sudo cp giko-trace /usr/local/bin


If installing libgiko system wide, simply copy the giko.h file into the system's include directory, and the libgiko files in build to the system's share directory.


AA art, like all art forms, have varying styles and forms. These styles have their own associated (1) font face, and (2) character set. Provided in the charsets folder are some character sets customised for different AA styles.

  • classic_ascii uses all 95 printable ASCII characters. Rustic and robust. Consider modifying it to restrict the codespace even further.

  • ms_pgothic character sets are for recreating early 2000s Japanese AA, first appearing on internet forums and boards.

  • meslolgs_nf character sets are for making art viewable on the terminal.

Due to copyright, and to reduce the size of the repository, the MS_PGothic and MesloLGS_NF font files are not included in this repository. If you wish to use these fonts, please source copies yourself.

Giko-trace CLI Tool

Basic Usage Example:

giko-cli -c charsets/classic_ascii.txt -f ms_pgothic.ttf -i assets/sample.png -o out.txt

Basic Options

  • -c or --charset: Text file containing unicode codepoints.
    • These codepoints will be the allowable characters when generating AA.
    • Charsets files should have one number per line, with no empty lines.
    • The default encoding takes base 10 codepoints, but if you are providing a custom charset with hexadecimal encoding, you may set the base encoding with -b 16 or --base-encoding 16.
  • -f or --font: Font file.
    • Freetype (and by extension, Giko) supports most font face files (ttf, otf, fnt).
  • -i or --image: Input image file.
    • ImageMagick (and by extension, Giko) supports most image types (png, jpg, bmp).
  • -o or --output: Output text file.
    • If this is not specified, the AA will be printed to stdout.
  • -H or --height: The number of rows in the output text.
    • Depending on the font face design, the exact number of rows cannot be guaranteed.
    • Default height is 32.

Advanced and Fine-tuning Options:

  • -k or --chunk-factor: How "chunky" (wide) characters are. Used in proportional fonts.
    • Value between 0 and 1
    • Default value is 0.5.
    • The lower the value the more thin glyphs (e.g. ';' and '.') will be preferred.
    • The higher the value, the more thick glyphs (e.g. 'm', '⊃') will be preferred.
  • -a or --accuracy: How closely the glyph traces the bitmap.
    • Value between 0 and 1.
    • Default value is 0.5
    • If the value is high, Giko will spend more time finding the perfect glyph to trace each chunk of the image.
  • -d or --denoise: Denoise factor.
    • Value between 0 and 1.
    • Default value is 0.05.
    • Adding too much denoising will cause parts of the image to disappear.
  • -F or --fidelity: How fine the lines are.
    • Set to either LOW, MEDIUM or HIGH.
    • LOW will output thick lines while HIGH will produce thinner and finer lines.
    • Default setting is MEDIUM.
  • -g or --glyph-map-order: This option in combination with chunk-factor and accuracy optimises greed algorithms. What it does can be generalised to these statements:
    • If set to DESCENDING, Giko will prefer dense glyphs (e.g. '藏’, ‘█‘).
    • If set to ASCENDING, Giko will prefer light glyphs (e.g. '。', 'ノ').
    • If set to NONE Giko will prefer the codepoints that come earlier in the charset.
  • -n or --negate: Invert the colours of the input image.
  • -v or --verbose: Print the options list with their set arguments.

Config File

To make your commands more succinct, options can be specified in a text file.

In config.txt:


This is the config used to generate assets/ms_pgothic.png

Then to pass these options to Giko Trace:

giko-trace -C config.txt


giko-trace --config config.txt

If options are omitted in the config file, they can be added on with flags.

Libgiko API

Refer to giko.h for API documentation.

Compile packages built with Giko like this:

gcc -I/path/to/include -L/path/to/build/or/share/dir -lgiko ...


There's a lot to do around here! Here are some features to add and improve:

  • Colour support
  • Accurate height mapping (e.g. --height 32 outputs AA with 32 rows)
  • Accounting for space between rows
  • Output as image of AA rather than text
  • Drawing text on top of AA
  • Documentation

Feel free to fork the project and open a pull request!


Giko Neko is a cat whose caricature is drawn in Shift_JIS (an ASCII-adjacent encoding) art.

  . ∧_∧  ∩ * ☆
* ☆ (=・∀・)≠ .
 . ⊂    ノ* ☆
☆ * (つ ノ .☆
