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Flask + Vue.js Web Application Template

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Live Demo


  • Minimal Flask App with modular Config
  • Flask-RestPlus API with class-based secure resource routing
  • Starter PyTest test suite
  • vue-cli 3 with Babel and ESlint.
  • Vuex for state management
  • Vue Router
  • Axios for backend communication
  • Sample Vue Filters
  • Heroku Configuration with one-click deployment

Template Structure

The template uses Flask & Flask-RestPlus to create a REST style API, and let's VueJs + vue-cli handle the front end and asset pipline.


The Flask application is setup with with two blueprints:

Api Blueprint

Uses Flask-RestPlus to serve resources at the /api endpoint. Flask-RestPlus can be discarded if you prefer standard view functions routing.

Client Blueprint

A simple Flask view is used to serve the entry point into the Vue application at the root endpoint / The template uses vue-cli 3 and assumes Vue.js & Webpack will manage front-end resources and assets, so it does overwrite template delimiter.

The Vue instance is preconfigured with Filters, Vue-Router, Vuex; each of these can easilly removed if they are not desired.


Before you start
  • Make sure node + npm are installed (tested with npm v5.6)
  • Python 3 is installed (tested with 3.6)
Template and Dependencies
  • Clone this repository:

     $ git clone
  • Create a virtual enviroment (highly recommended)

  • Install Python dependencies using pip or pipenv from the project directory:

    $ pipenv install or pip install -r requirements.txt

  • Install npm dependencies

     $ cd app/client/vue_app
     $ npm install

Development Server

While it's possible to use Flask to serve the vue app and the rest api, it is less than ideal as each change in client code would required a full rebuild and reload. Instead, we will use flask the serve the api endpoints, but we will serve the client app using the vue-cli dev server. This combination allows you have both your backend python files and the Vue appplication files auto-reload on save.

This template also includes a few functions to help us manage the 2 servers.

This enables us to take advantage of Hot Module Replacement (HMR) and ESlint. I think it is a small price to pay for the amount of time saved by HMR alone.

Api Server

From the root directory run:

$ python -m app serve_api

This will start the flask development server on localhost:5000 and will respond to all requests on /api.. This command is the same as running python

Client Server

Start another terminal window, and from the same directory run:

$ python -m app serve_client

This will launch your browser and server the Vue application on localhost:8080. T he vue app will hit localhost:5000 to fetch resources.

This combination allows you have both your backend python files, as well as the Vue app files autoreload on each file save.

Production Server

The production server uses Gunicorn to serve the entire application. This template is configured to work with Heroku out of the box - just make sure you run npm run build before pushing it to your Heroku repository.

  • Build your Vue Application:
$ python -m app build

This commands is a shorcut for cd-ing into /app/client/vue_app and running $ npm run build.

  • Commit your code

  • Setup your heroku app:

     $ heroku apps:create flask-vuejs-template
     $ heroku config:set FLASK_CONFIG=Production
     $ heroku config:set SECRET=SECRETKEY
     $ heroku git:remote --app flask-vuejs-template
  • Push your application to heroku:

    $ git push heroku

Heroku deployment - One Click Deploy

You can spin up your on version of this template on Heroku:



Flask + Vue JS Template







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  • Python 48.9%
  • Vue 32.3%
  • JavaScript 14.5%
  • HTML 4.3%