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A couple years ago when I started investing in stock market, my main objective was to learn how online trading of stock works as many of my friends and family members were talking about it. Once I started having multiple transactions, I decided to keep the trading info in a spreadsheet. Google Sheet was chosen because it is not only free, but also accessable anytime anywhere. I then learned about GOOGLEFINANCE and used it to automate the retrival of stock quotes. However, for some unknown reasons, after using it for a while for stocks in Hong Kong Stock Exchange and Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect, GOOGLEFINANCE stopped working for those stocks in Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect. Furthermore, when the spreadsheet gets larger, the refresh takes a long time and even fails occasionally when retriving stock quotes.

Because of all these reasons and after checking various solutions on the Internet without very satisfactory results, I decided to create a solution myself. I find that using IMPORTXML is a viable and simple solution for this situation and apparently stock quotes from The Wall Street Journal is quite comprehensive and up to date.

Stock Portfolio Tracker

Stock Portfolio Tracker is a Google Sheet that tracks stock performance. It uses the IMPORTXML buildin function to fetch stock information from The tracker has the following features:

  1. It has a Summary sheet to provide summary information of all the stocks.

  2. Each Stock portfolio will be placed in a separate stock sheet. To create a stock sheet, user needs to provide the path to the stock's URL from the to create the stock sheet.

  3. A custom Stock Quotes menu which includes functions to

    • Force Reload Data (fetch stock info in the current stock sheet)
    • Force Reload All Data (fetch stock info of all the stock sheets in the Google Sheet)
    • Create New Stock Sheet (create a new stock sheet with a given path to the stock's URL in WSJ)


Get a copy of the spreadsheet:

  1. Get a copy of the Google Sheet here and open in Google Chrome browser.
  2. Login to Google account to access the full functionality of the Google sheet.
  3. Under the File menu, click Make a copy... to create a copy to keep track of personal stock transations.

Add a new stock sheet:

  1. From the Stock Quotes menu, choose Create New Stock Sheet. It will ask for the path of the stock from the site.
    E.g. for Apple Stock at, the path is US/XNAS/AAPL.
  2. A sheet based on a template and named after the Stock Symbol will be created. It will also fetch the latest stock price and relevant information of the stock.
  3. To add this stock details to the Summary sheet, click the Add to Summary button.


As I am a casual investor with very limited knowledge in trading, the terminology and calculations used are simply based on my own understanding. This software is provided as is and I make no representations or warranties of any kind concering the safety, suitability, lack of viruses, inaccuracies, typographical errors, or other harmful components of this software. I will not be liable for any damages you may suffer in connection with using, modifying, or distributing this software.

Special Notes

  1. This project uses Google Apps Script which is part of Google OAuth web clients. All Google OAuth web clients require verification by Google and seems a bit complicated in my situation. I therefore didn't go through the whole process. For this reason, users might see an unverified app screen when they try to authorized my script.
  2. In the Stock Transaction sheet, rows 15-20 are hidden with some sample transactions. These transactions are for reference only and they are not included in the calculations.


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