This template configures a Rails 8 base app setup with the Solid Trifecta. It's opinionated in that it sticks to Rails defaults as much as possible. It supports either PostgreSQL or SQLite3.
- Rails 8.0
- Ruby 3.4.x or 3.3.x
- Bundler
- Git
- SQLite3 or PostgreSQL
- RailsPanel
- Mailcatcher
- Generates a pages controller with an index mapped to root_url.
- Generates an admin dashboard controller with an index mapped to admin_root_url.
- Generates Rails 8 authentication and adds tests for session and password reset controller
- Over-rides the default generates_token_for to set a sane password reset token expiration of 4 hours
- Sets up Solid Queue, Cache, and Cable in development
- Installs mission control dashboard and secures it with Rails 8 authentication
- bin/jobs added to bin/dev - comment out and move to a separate terminal if too overwhelming
- Sends email in development to mailcatcher on port 1025
- Each of these features are optional if you choose to customize
- Setup Flowbite
- Styled partials for flash and form error messages
For PostgreSQL, I recommend installing it via docker like this. It sets the trusted user to your current username and matches up with the database.yml.
docker run -d --name postgres17 -e POSTGRES_HOST_AUTH_METHOD=trust -e POSTGRES_USER=$USER --restart unless-stopped -p "" -v postgres-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data postgres:17
gem install mailcatcher mailcatcher
Navigate to http://localhost:1080/
git clone
rails new APPNAME -d postgresql -c tailwind -m rails-quickstart/template.rb or rails new APPNAME -d sqlite3 -c tailwind -m rails-quickstart/template.rb
cd APPNAME bin/dev
Navigate to:
Flash messages are already rendered in the application layout and can be found in app/views/layouts/_flash.html.erb
To use the form error messages, add the following line to your forms inside the form tag, and pass in your model to the model local variable.
<%= render "layouts/form_errors", model: post %>
If you would like to use the scaffold generators and the admin namespace at the same time, the best way is to break it up into two steps.
rails generate model post title:string body:text rails generate scaffold_controller admin/posts --model-name post
The downside is that you will need to add the form fields yourself.
The other option is to generate a scaffold as normal and copy into the admin folder, fixing the class definitions and routes.
Copyright (c) 2010 Christopher Saylor. See LICENSE for details.