- A docker-containerized stateless micro-service for cyber-dojo.
- Runs
inside a docker container for at most max_seconds.
- All methods receive a JSON hash.
- The hash contains any method arguments as key-value pairs.
- All methods return a JSON hash.
- If the method completes, a key equals the method's name.
- If the method raises an exception, a key equals "exception".
- image_name:String must be created with image_builder
- id:String for tracing, must be in base58
- files:Hash{String=>String} must contain a file called
- max_seconds:Integer must be between 1 and 20
- eg
{ "image_name": "cyberdojofoundation/gcc_assert", "id": "15B9zD", "files": { "cyber-dojo.sh": "make", "fizz_buzz.c": "#include...", "fizz_buzz.h": "#ifndef FIZZ_BUZZ_INCLUDED...", ... }, "max_seconds": 10 }
- creates a container from image_name
- saves files into
inside the container - runs
inside the container for at most max_seconds
- stdout:String of running
truncated to 50K - stderr:String of running
truncated to 50K - status:Integer of running
0 to 255 - timed_out:Boolean
- false if execution completed in max_seconds
- true if execution did not complete in max_seconds
- created:Hash text-files created under
each truncated to 50K - deleted:Array[String] names of text-files deleted from under
- changed:Hash text-files changed under
each truncated to 50K - eg
{ "run_cyber_dojo_sh": { "stdout": { "content": "makefile:17: recipe for target 'test' failed\n", "truncated": false }, "stderr": { "content": "invalid suffix sss on integer constant", "truncated": false }, "status": 2, "timed_out": false, "created": { "coverage.html": { "content": "...", "truncated": false } }, "deleted": [], "changed": { "todo.txt": { "content": "...", "truncated": false } } } }
- eg
{ "run_cyber_dojo_sh": { "stdout": { "content": "", "truncated": false }, "stderr": { "content": "", "truncated": false }, "status": 137, "timed_out": true, "created": {}, "deleted": [ "filename.txt" ], "changed": {} } }
- stdout:String of running
- parameters
- none
- returns
- true if the service is ready
- false if the service is not ready
- eg
{ "ready?": true } { "ready?": false }
- parameters
- none
- returns
- the git commit sha used to create the docker image
- eg
{ "sha": "b28b3e13c0778fe409a50d23628f631f87920ce5" }
- Builds the runner-server image and an example runner-client image.
- Brings up a runner-server container and a runner-client container.
- Runs the runner-server's tests from inside a runner-server container.
- Runs the runner-client's tests from inside the runner-client container.
$ ./pipe_build_up_test.sh
Use: pipe_build_up_test.sh [client|server] [HEX-ID...]
client - only run the tests from inside the client
server - only run the tests from inside the server
HEX-ID - only run the tests matching this identifier
Building runner-stateless
Step 1/8 : FROM cyberdojo/docker-base
---> 9d1f06280f4d
Step 2/8 : LABEL [email protected]
---> Using cache
---> 985da0ca2b94
Step 3/8 : WORKDIR /app
---> Using cache
---> 5ac8f3e2548b
Step 4/8 : COPY . .
---> Using cache
---> 9b1d20329a16
Step 5/8 : ARG SHA
---> Using cache
---> 6911053e42f4
Step 6/8 : ENV SHA=${SHA}
---> Using cache
---> 72abf5c7da8c
Step 7/8 : EXPOSE 4597
---> Using cache
---> 406b4216d24b
Step 8/8 : CMD [ "./up.sh" ]
---> Using cache
---> cf9a8ba4dc8c
Successfully built cf9a8ba4dc8c
Successfully tagged cyberdojo/runner-stateless:latest
Building runner-stateless-client
Step 1/5 : FROM cyberdojo/docker-base
---> 9d1f06280f4d
Step 2/5 : LABEL [email protected]
---> Using cache
---> 985da0ca2b94
Step 3/5 : COPY . /app
---> Using cache
---> 5e32e72ef70b
Step 4/5 : EXPOSE 4598
---> Using cache
---> 704a7fa8e551
Step 5/5 : CMD [ "./up.sh" ]
---> Using cache
---> 5bd4ca27b816
Successfully built 5bd4ca27b816
Successfully tagged cyberdojo/runner-stateless-client:latest
Recreating test-runner-stateless-server ... done
Recreating test-runner-stateless-client ... done
Waiting until test-runner-stateless-server is ready.OK
Checking test-runner-stateless-server started cleanly...OK
Run options: --seed 34605
# Running:
Finished in 73.529235s, 1.1560 runs/s, 22.2769 assertions/s.
85 runs, 1638 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips
Coverage report generated for MiniTest to /tmp/coverage. 1510 / 1510 LOC (100.0%) covered.
Coverage report copied to runner-stateless/test_server/coverage/
failures | 0 == 0 | true
errors | 0 == 0 | true
skips | 0 == 0 | true
duration(test)[s] | 73.53 <= 100 | true
coverage(src)[%] | 100.0 == 100 | true
coverage(test)[%] | 100.0 == 100 | true
lines(test)/lines(src) | 2.99 >= 2.8 | true
hits(src)/hits(test) | 24.80 >= 23 | true
Run options: --seed 19227
# Running:
Finished in 13.761359s, 2.2527 runs/s, 10.3914 assertions/s.
31 runs, 143 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips
Coverage report generated for MiniTest to /tmp/coverage. 338 / 338 LOC (100.0%) covered.
Coverage report copied to runner-stateless/test_client/coverage/
failures | 0 == 0 | true
errors | 0 == 0 | true
skips | 0 == 0 | true
duration(test)[s] | 13.76 <= 25 | true
coverage(src)[%] | 100.0 == 100 | true
coverage(test)[%] | 100.0 == 100 | true
lines(test)/lines(src) | 5.26 >= 5 | true
hits(src)/hits(test) | 1.69 >= 1.5 | true
All passed
Stopping test-runner-stateless-client ... done
Stopping test-runner-stateless-server ... done
Removing test-runner-stateless-client ... done
Removing test-runner-stateless-server ... done
Removing network runner-stateless_default
- Runs inside the runner-client's container.
- Calls the runner-server's methods and displays their json results and how long they took.
- If the runner-client's IP address is then put into your browser to see the output.
$ ./sh/run_demo.sh