A RESTful API for Wallet you and Bank you
Create an .env file with the properties: Create an account to have your key
- Install dependencies
yarn install
- Run api
yarn dev
GET /v1/bitcoin/get-balance/YOUR-PUBLIC-KEY
GET /v1/bitcoin/mock/get-balance
Param | Description |
YOUR-PUBLIC-KEY* | Public key (bitcoin) |
- Response (200)
balance: string;
GET /v1/bitcoin/get-transactions/YOUR-PUBLIC-KEY
GET /v1/bitcoin/mock/get-transactions
Param | Description |
YOUR-PUBLIC-KEY* | Public key (bitcoin) |
- Response (200)
transactions: {
chain: string;
blockNumber: number | null;
timestamp: number;
transactionType: "incoming" | "outgoing";
hash: string;
address: string;
amount: string;
GET /v1/stablecoin/get-balance/YOUR-PUBLIC-KEY
GET /v1/stablecoin/mock/get-balance
Param | Description |
YOUR-PUBLIC-KEY* | Public key (ethereum) |
- Response (200)
balance: {
usdc: string;
usdt: string;
GET /v1/stablecoin/get-transactions/YOUR-PUBLIC-KEY
GET /v1/stablecoin/mock/get-transactions
Param | Description |
YOUR-PUBLIC-KEY* | Public key (ethereum) |
- Response (200)
transactions: {
date: string;
items: {
tokenId?: string;
amount: string;
transactionSubtype: "incoming" | "outgoing";
tokenName: "USDC" | "USDT";
timestamp: number;
hours: string;
date: string;