Runs odrive Sync Agent CLI in an official python based docker container.
docker run --rm --name odrive-cli -v $PWD:/odrive cszubert/odrive-cli
Next enter the container from anothe shell
docker exec -it odrive-cli bash
Get odrive Synch Agent help
$HOME/.odrive-agent/bin/odrive -h
Get odrive Synch Agent status
$HOME/.odrive-agent/bin/odrive status
Authenticate odrive Synch Agent - specify the AUTH_KEY for your odrive accoount
$HOME/.odrive-agent/bin/odrive authenticate AUTH_KEY
Mount contianer path to odrive cloud path. The below command maps the container path /odrive (which can also be mapped to the hosts folder, as with the docker run command above), to root folder on odrive (which includes all odrive contents).
$HOME/.odrive-agent/bin/odrive mount /odrive /
Start syncing odrive cloud folder or file to container. The below command starts synching the Google Drive foler on odrive to the container. Note that this command is not recursive and you have to start synching each file and folder that you want odrive Synch Agent to continue to sync.
$HOME/.odrive-agent/bin/odrive sync /odrive/Google\ Drive.cloudf
Refresh folder. The below command refreshes the Google Drive folder.
$HOME/.odrive-agent/bin/odrive refresh /odrive/Google\ Drive
docker stop odrive-cli
odrive Sync Agent: