vsphere-client is a tool to manage objects in vSphere, using the vSphere API.
There are several modes of operation, all of which can be found in the synopsis below. Each mode has a different set of required and optional arguments, which can also be found in the synopsis. Help mode can be used in a context sensitive manner. For example, -h will show all the modes, and -h ADDVM will show help about the ADDVM mode.
All commands require proper authentication. This can be provided on the command line by using -u -p -s or by creating a configuration file and specifying it with -c config-file vsphere-client is licensed under the GPLv3 license. For more information, see the LICENSE file. This project uses libraries and routines which may have a different license. Refer to the included licenses in the source files and/or JAR files for more information.
Building vsphere-client requires the following:
- Oracle Java or OpenJDK >= 6
- Apache Ant >= 1.8
Then you can simply call ant dist
to create a dist folder with everything vsphere-client needs to run. You can also use ant package-tar
to create a tarball
Alternatively, if using Ubuntu or Debian, you can try using the vsphere-client PPA at: https://launchpad.net/~lordgaav/+archive/vsphere-client
vsphere-client -a | -h <COMMAND> | -l <TYPE> | -m | -r | -t | -v | -w | -x | -y | -z [-c <FILE>] [-p <PASSWORD>] [-s <SERVER>] [-u <USER>]
vsphere-client -h <COMMAND>
vsphere-client -a [-c <FILE>] --cpu <CPU> --dc <VDC> --description <DESC> --disk <DISK> [--disksplit <DSKSPLT>] --esxcluster <EC> | --esxnode <E> [--folder <F>] --fqdn <FQDN> [--guest <GST>] [--mac <MAC>] --memory <MEM> --network <NETWORK> [-p <PASSWORD>] [-s <SERVER>] --storage <S> | --storagecluster <SC> [--template <TEMPLATE>] [-u <USER>]
vsphere-client --action <ACTION> --boot <BT> | --cpu <CPU> | --cpureservation <CR> | --description <DESC> | --floppy <FLP> | --iopslimit <IL> | --memory <MEM> | --memreservation <MR> | --network <NETWORK> | --odd <ISO> | --parameter <PARAM> [-c <FILE>] [--confirm] --dc <VDC> [--folder <F>] --fqdn <FQDN> -m [--mac <MAC>] [-p <PASSWORD>] [-s <SERVER>] --storage <S> [-u <USER>] [--value <VALUE>]
vsphere-client [-c <FILE>] --dc <VDC> [--folder <F>] --fqdn <FQDN> [-p <PASSWORD>] [-s <SERVER>] [-u <USER>] -y
vsphere-client -v
vsphere-client [-c <FILE>] --dc <VDC> --file <FILE> [-p <PASSWORD>] --path <PATH> [-s <SERVER>] --storage <S> [-u <USER>] -w
vsphere-client [-c <FILE>] [--confirm] --dc <VDC> [--folder <F>] --fqdn <FQDN> [-p <PASSWORD>] [-s <SERVER>] [-u <USER>] -x
vsphere-client [-c <FILE>] [--cluster <C>] --dc <VDC> [--depth <DEPTH>] [--detailed] [--folder <F>] --fqdn <FQDN> -l <TYPE> [-p <PASSWORD>] [--properties] [-s <SERVER>] --storage <S> [-u <USER>]
vsphere-client [-c <FILE>] [--confirm] --dc <VDC> [--folder <F>] --fqdn <FQDN> [-p <PASSWORD>] [-s <SERVER>] -t [-u <USER>]
vsphere-client [-c <FILE>] [--confirm] --dc <VDC> [--folder <F>] --fqdn <FQDN> [-p <PASSWORD>] [-s <SERVER>] [-u <USER>] -z
vsphere-client [-c <FILE>] [--confirm] --dc <VDC> [--folder <F>] --fqdn <FQDN> [-p <PASSWORD>] -r [-s <SERVER>] [-u <USER>]
-a --add-vm arg
Add a new VM
--action ACTION
What action to take for --modify-vm mode (add|modify|delete). add/delete is only relevant for --network, --odd and --floppy, use modify in all other cases
--boot BT
Change boot order. Specify as one or more values separated by a comman (,). Valid values are: disk, network, cdrom and floppy.
-c --config FILE
Use a configuration file
--cluster C
Select this Cluster
Confirm destructive actions, and allow them to execute.
--cpu CPU
Amount of CPUs (cores) of the object to create
--cpureservation CR
Change CPU reservation, value is in Mhz
--dc VDC
Select this Data Center
--depth DEPTH
How deep to recurse into the Virtual Machine tree. Currently only used by --list vm
--description DESC
Description of object to create
Output detailed information about the selected objects
--disk DISK
Total disk size (in MB) of the object to create. Minimum is 10240MB
--disksplit DSKSPLT
If the total --disk size is larger than this size (in MB), create a second disk with the remaining size. Default is 1024MB
--esxcluster EC
Select this ESX cluster. Mutually exclusive with --esxnode
--esxnode E
Select this ESX node. Mutually exclusive with --esxcluster
--file FILE
File to process, specify a path to a local file on disk.
--floppy FLP
FDD drive to create with floppy file to mount. Use with --storage to select the datastore where the ISO file resides
--folder F
Select this Folder. Specify as a Unix path, e.g.: /Customers/C
--fqdn FQDN
Name of object to create
--guest GST
Guest OS identifier. See man page for full list
-h --help COMMAND
Show help and examples
--iopslimit IL
Change IOPS limits. Specify disk name, use with --value to specify the limit.
-l --list TYPE
List vSphere objects (folder|vm|cluster|esxnode|storage|storagefolder|network). VM objects can be filtered using --fqdn. esxnode, storage and network require a --cluster. storagefolder requires --storage.
--mac MAC
MAC address of the object to create
--memory MEM
Memory (in MB) of the object to create
--memreservation MR
Change memory reservation, value is in MB
-m --modify-vm arg
Modify an existing VM. Requires confirmation. Note that the VM must be powered off for most actions.
--network NETWORK
Network of the object to create
--odd ISO
ODD drive to create with ISO file to mount. Use with --storage to select the datastore where the ISO file resides
--parameter PARAM
Virtual Machine parameter to modify
--path PATH
Target location of the file, specify a Unix type path that does not start with /. Also see -l storagefolder. Will overwrite existing files with the same name and path!
-p --password PASSWORD
vSphere password
Display all configuration parameters about the selected objects
-r --remove-vm arg
Remove a VM. Requires confirmation
-s --server SERVER
vSphere server URI
--storage S
Select this Storage node. Mutually exclusive with --storagecluster
--storagecluster SC
Select this Storage cluster. Mutually exclusive with --storage
--template TEMPLATE
Select this template
-t --poweroff-vm arg
Stop an existing VM (hard shutdown). Requires confirmation
-u --username USER
vSphere username
--value VALUE
Virtual Machine parameter value
-v --version arg
Show version information
-w --upload-to-datastore arg
Upload a file to a datastore.
-x --reboot-vm arg
Reboot an existing VM (soft shutdown). Requires confirmation
-y --poweron-vm arg
Start an existing VM
-z --shutdown-vm arg
Shutdown an existing VM (soft shutdown). Requires confirmation
All command line parameters can optionally be provided using a configuration file. Exception on this are the mode selectors. The configuration file uses a simple format, which is:
option is the same as the long options which can be specified on the command line. For example, this is a valid configuration line:
Configuration options are parsed in the following order:
- The -c option.
- All options provided on the command line, in the order they are specified. It is possible to override already specified configuration options by specifying them again. Duplicate options will take the value of the last one specified. An example configuration file can be found in the distribution package.
vsphere-client --username [email protected] --password test1234 --server https://vcenter.local/sdk
These are the base options that EVERY call must specify. If password is not specified, you will be prompted to enter one. Alternatively, these parameters as a configuration file to avoid outputting your password in the process list.
vsphere-client --config config.prop
See the CONFIGURATION section for the proper configuration syntax. All examples after this one will assume that you specified username, password and server in the config file.
vsphere-client --config config.prop --dc Datacenter -l folder
List the VirtualMachine folders in the root of datacenter Datacenter. Specify --depth to traverse deeper, do note that the command will take longer to execute. Folders are returned as Unix like path names.
vsphere-client --config config.prop --dc Datacenter --folder "/vms" -l folder
List the VirtualMachine folder in the "/vms" folder of datacenter Datacenter. The returned Unix like path names are relative to the specified --folder.
vsphere-client --config config.prop --dc Datacenter --folder "/vms" -l vm
List the VirtualMachines in the "/vms" folder of datacenter Datacenter. Specify --detailed to view more details per VirtualMachine (at the cost of longer execution time), or --properties to view the VirtualMachine properties.
vsphere-client -c conf.prop --dc Datacenter -l cluster
List all clusters of datacenter Datacenter.
vsphere-client -c conf.prop --dc Datacenter --cluster esx-cluster-1 -l esxnode
List all ESX nodes in ESX cluster esx-cluster1.
vsphere-client -c conf.prop --dc Datacenter --cluster esx-cluster-1 -l storage
List all storage volumes in ESX cluster esx-cluster1.
vsphere-client -c conf.prop --dc Datacenter --cluster esx-cluster-1 -l network
List all available distributed port groups and networks in ESX cluster esx-cluster1.
vsphere-client -c conf.prop --dc Datacenter --storage storage-volume1 -l storagefolders
List folder structure of datastore storage-volume1. Paths are Unix like. Note, this command may take a long time to complete on larger datastores.
vsphere-client -c conf.prop --dc Datacenter --folder "/VM Folder" --fqdn "machine.fqdn.tld" --esxcluster esx-cluster-1 --storagecluster storage-volume --disk 51200 --cpu 2 --memory 4096 --network dv-network-123 --description "Testing VM" --add-vm
Creates a VM with in folder "VM Folder". The VM will have 2 vCPUs, 4GB of memory, 2 disks (first will be 10GB, the second 40GB). The machine will be created on an ESX node in cluster esx-cluster-1, based on the least amount of VMs present. The disks will be created on a storage volume thats part op storage cluster storage-volume, based on least amount of space used.
The splitting of the disks can be controlled with --disksplit. The minimum disk size is 10GB, and by default everything above 10GB will be assigned to a second disk.
The choice of ESX node and datastore can be overruled by using --storage and --esxnode instead of --storagecluster and --esxcluster.
vsphere-client -c conf.prop --dc Datacenter --folder "/VM Folder" --fqdn "machine.fqdn.tld" --boot floppy,disk,cdrom,network --modify-vm --action modify
Change the boot order of machine.fqdn.tld to floppy, virtual disks, optical drives and network last.
vsphere-client -c conf.prop --dc Datacenter --folder "/VM Folder" --fqdn "machine.fqdn.tld" --cpu 4 --modify-vm --action modify
Modify the vCPU count for VM machine.fqdn.tld to 4 cores with 1 core per socket. The machine must be turned off before executing (this is checked).
vsphere-client -c conf.prop --dc Datacenter --folder "/VM Folder" --fqdn "machine.fqdn.tld" --memory 4096 --modify-vm --action modify
Modify the vCPU count for VM machine.fqdn.tld to 4GB. The machine must be turned off before executing (this is checked).
vsphere-client -c conf.prop --dc Datacenter --folder "/VM Folder" --fqdn "machine.fqdn.tld" --parameter some.parameter --value some.value --action modify
Modify VM parameter some.parameter to some.value for VM machine.fqdn.tld.
vsphere-client -c conf.prop --dc Datacenter --folder "/VM Folder" --fqdn "machine.fqdn.tld" --description "A new description" --action modify
Modify the VM description for VM machine.fqdn.tld to "A new description".
vsphere-client -c conf.prop --dc Datacenter --folder "/VM Folder" --fqdn "machine.fqdn.tld" --cpureservation 4000 --action modify
Modify the VM CPU reservation for VM machine.fqdn.tld to 4000 Mhz.
vsphere-client -c conf.prop --dc Datacenter --folder "/VM Folder" --fqdn "machine.fqdn.tld" --memreservation 4096 --action modify
Modify the VM memory reservation for VM machine.fqdn.tld to 4GB.
vsphere-client -c conf.prop --dc Datacenter --folder "/VM Folder" --fqdn "machine.fqdn.tld" --iopslimit 20 --value "Hard disk 1" --action modify
Modify the virtual disk IOPS limit for disk "Hard disk 1" of VM machine.fqdn.tld to 20. Find the names and available hard disks using -l vm --detailed.
vsphere-client -c conf.prop --dc Datacenter --folder "/VM Folder" --fqdn "machine.fqdn.tld" --network dv-network-123 --action add
Add a virtual NIC to VM machine.fqdn.tld, with connection to network dv-network-123. The virtual NIC will be of type VMXNET3.
vsphere-client -c conf.prop --dc Datacenter --folder "/VM Folder" --fqdn "machine.fqdn.tld" --odd "/path/to/ISO/file" --storage storage-volume1 --action add
Add a new Optical Disk Drive to VM machine.fqdn.tld, with a connection to an ISO file in datastore storage-volume1.
vsphere-client -c conf.prop --dc Datacenter --folder "/VM Folder" --fqdn "machine.fqdn.tld" --floppy "/path/to/flp/file" --storage storage-volume1 --action add
Add a new Floppy Drive to VM machine.fqdn.tld, with a connection to an .flp file in datastore storage-volume1.
vsphere-client -c conf.prop --dc Datacenter --folder "/VM Folder" --fqdn "machine.fqdn.tld" --network dv-network-123 --action remove
Remove an existing virtual NIC from VM machine.fqdn.tld, that has a connection to dv-network-123. If multiple NICs would match, only the first is removed. The right NIC is matched by using the provided network name, and checking if the NIC is connected to a network that CONTAINS the provided name. This means that "network-1" would match a NIC with a connection to "dv-network-123". This is intentional.
vsphere-client -c conf.prop --dc Datacenter --folder "/VM Folder" --fqdn "machine.fqdn.tld" --odd "/path/to/ISO/file" --storage storage-volume1 --action remove
Remove a Optical Disk Drive from VM machine.fqdn.tld, with a connection to an ISO file in datastore storage-volume1. If multiple devices would match, only the first will be removed.
vsphere-client -c conf.prop --dc Datacenter --folder "/VM Folder" --fqdn "machine.fqdn.tld" --floppy "/path/to/flp/file" --storage storage-volume1 --action remove
Remove a Floppy Drive from VM machine.fqdn.tld, with a connection to an .flp file in datastore storage-volume1. If multiple devices would match, only the first will be removed.
vsphere-client -c conf.prop --dc Datacenter --folder "/VM Folder" --fqdn "machine.fqdn.tld" --remove-vm
Remove VM machine.fqdn.tld completely. This action is permanent.
vsphere-client -c conf.prop --dc Datacenter --folder "/VM Folder" --fqdn "machine.fqdn.tld" --shutdown-vm
Shutdown the OS on VM machine.fqdn.tld using VMware tools.
vsphere-client -c conf.prop --dc Datacenter --folder "/VM Folder" --fqdn "machine.fqdn.tld" --reboot-vm
Reboot the OS on VM machine.fqdn.tld using VMware tools.
vsphere-client -c conf.prop --dc Datacenter --folder "/VM Folder" --fqdn "machine.fqdn.tld" --poweroff-vm
Poweroff VM machine.fqdn.tld.
vsphere-client -c conf.prop --dc Datacenter --folder "/VM Folder" --fqdn "machine.fqdn.tld" --poweron-vm
Poweron VM machine.fqdn.tld.
vsphere-client -c conf.prop --dc Datacenter --storage "storage-volume1" --path "/path/to/destination" --file "/path/to/local/file" --upload-to-datastore
Upload a local file to a folder in datastore storage-volume1. This will overwrite files with the same name without confirmation.
No major known bugs exist at this time.
Nick Douma ([email protected])