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From Middle English hous, hus, from Old English hūs (“dwelling, shelter, house”) https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/house
. start zsh-shell . run arrange.sh # WIP . start shell anew || $SHELL
- tmux-plugins are installed once tmux gets started the first time
- An overview of regular and customized functions and key bindings which will grow and change from time to time.
- git ...
- al ~~ list git aliases available in current dir
- r ~~ list remotes with all information
- l ~~ log --graph
- st ~~ status + ignored files
- subst ~~ status of all submodules
- intsub ~~ gca 'integrate latest submodule commit(s)'
- glols ~~ git log (pretty stuff) -n (s)top at terminal-height - 10
- glogs ~~ git log (some other pretty stuff) -n (s)top at terminal-height - 10
- gpOG ~~ git push master to origin (github) and gitspace (local hosting)
- gcn! ~~ amend! that file, (n)o edit of commit msg
- gcan! ~~ amend! (a)ll files, (n)o edit of commit msg
- gSurl ~~ show urls of (S)ubmodules
- gSsync ~~ sync url of submodules as registered in supermodule
- gpSOG ~~ chaining perl-scripts to (p)ush (S)ubmodules to (O)rigin and (G)itspace
- ghide ~~ hide (changes of) file from index (''assume-unchanged'')
- gunhide ~~ unhide/ re-register file to index (''no-assume-unchanged'')
- gunhide-all ~~ unhide all files
- ghide-all ## read .githide in root of git dir to assume-unchanged
- gshidden ~~ show hidden files
- caps lock is mapped to escape via Xmodmap
- confed # load relevant config files into Vim
- confrel (-a) # reload (all) config
- mkcd # mkdir and cd into dir, with indefinite depth (-p)
- lam # show 20 of (la)test files, which where (m)odified
- ltm # mtime, i.e. time of data in file Thanks to
- ltc # ctime, inode change of file
- lta # atime, last access time or use
- lx # sort by extension
- lad # ls dirs only (&& do not enter)
- lal # la | less
- get_crtime # get creation time of file
- diffdir # compare to dirs recursively (diff -rq)
- a2pdf_latex # adoc to pdf-toolchain
- lpqueue # watch-like monitoring of printing queue
- mulch 'cmd' # (mul)titail wat(ch): watch-like monitoring: print changes extra
- get_crtime # show creation time of file
- cmdoften # show ten most used commands
- treegraph # show subdirs in tree-format
- tree # -- " --, plus files and info
- spacewaste # show file/dir size of 10 biggest entries
- lssize # size of all entries of file
- ii # show host related infos
- global aliases
- G xz # grep xy
- L # less
- X # xclip - copy to system clipoard
- A # search with ag in a list of files, e.g. dpkg -L asciidoc A "-A2 -B2" "Vorwort"
- V # edit piped result (files) in vim
- zsh
- Alt-
- . # last argument in history
- / # "?
- , # "?
- ((x = 33.3 /9.1)) # echo $x
- z plugin
- -c restrict matches to subdirectories of the current directory
- -e echo the best match, don't cd
- -l list only (default)
- -r match by rank only
- -t match by recent access only
- -x remove the current directory from the datafile
- Alt-
- fzf (FuzzyFind)
kill -9 <digit><tab>
ssh **<tab>
# complete with hostnames from /etc/hosts and ~/.ssh/config
- Urxvt
- Keyboard shortcuts
- M-Esc ~~ Vim-like navigation, pasting and searching https://github.com/muennich/urxvt-perls/
- M-s ~~ search backwards in terminal from prompt
- C-M-c ~~ copy selection to system clipboard
- C-M-v ~~ paste sys clipboard (also S-Insert)
- C-M-plus ~~ increase size of font
- C-M-minus ~~ decrease size of font
- C-S-plus ~~ increase (globally) size of font
- C-S-minus ~~ decrease (globally) size of font
- C-= ~~ reset size
- C-/ ~~ show font attributes
- Keyboard shortcuts
- commands
- getclip ~~ paste clipboard content
- <prefix>... # is <C-a>
- R ~~ source ~/.tmux.conf
- s ~~ display and choose session
- S ~~ send pane to other window
- ? ~~ list defined hotkeys
- = ~~ choose which buffer to paste from
- C-s ~~ (s)ave tmux session (tmux-resurrect)
- C-r ~~ (r)estore tmux session
- CTRL-s ~~ quick save, also in INSERTMODE
- CTRL-p/ -n ~~ in perl: search @INC for defined words, (p)revious/ (n)ext
- :W ~~ save file in sudo mode
- gt ~~ (g)o to next (t)ab
- gT ~~ (g)o to (T)ab before
- <leader> ... ~~ is ',' (comma). Usage: type ,w (comma w) to save file
- w ~~ quick (w)rite
- x ~~ open scribble page (in asciidoc), add date
- bd ~~ (d)elete current (b)uffer
- ba ~~ (d)elete (a)ll buffers
- tn ~~ (t)ab (n)ew
- to ~~ (t)ab, (o)nly this one keep open
- tc ~~ (t)ab (c)lose (better delete for consistency?)
- tm ~~ (t)ab, (m)ove!
- t, ~~ next (t), optionally give number (,t,)
- tl ~~ switch to (t)ab I used (l)ast
- te ~~ (e)dit new (t)ab in the path of the current buffer
- cd ~~ switch (c)urrent (w)orking directory of the current buffer
- m ~~ clean file from ^M from Windows encoding (\r\n)
- gf ~~ open current file in (f)irefox - useful for getting[](certainly not forgetting as in disremembering) a [rendered](dependent on Firefox plugins, such as asciidoctorjslivepreview for AsciiDoc and Markdown Viewer) version of markup file. (TODO: amend in arrange)
- ss ~~ toggle local (s)pellcheck
- sn ~~ (s)pell error, (n)ext # :]s
- sp ~~ (s)pell error, (p)revious # :[s
- sa ~~ (s)pell, (a)dd to collection # :zg - :zug undo adding word
- s? ~~ show (s)pelling suggestion # : z=
- W ~~ toggle wrapping lines
- of ~~ (o)ne(f)low: replace many whitespaces to one
- co ~~ (co)py file into a new tab
- AsciiDoc: ...
- bq ~~ (b)lock (q)uote
- bn ~~ (b)lock (n)ote
- nf ~~ (n)ote (f)oot (footnote)
- qb ~~ (q)uote(b)lock
- F ~~ (F)ootnote
- <F4> ~~ correction: WOrd -> Word
- <F7>,<F8> ~~ jump to next, previous chapter (mediawiki, adoc, markdown)
- M-j ,k : move a line down, upwards # not working anymore?
- <C-r> * ~~ insert while in INSERTMODE (or + (Plus))
- >,< ~~ indent line, re-indent(?) line
- fzf
- :FZF ~~ look for and open files from CWD
- --inline-info ~~ ?
- <C-t> ~~ open in new tab
- <C-x> ~~ horixontal split
- <C-v> ~~ vertical split
- vim-surround
- cs"' ~~ in "Hello" -> 'Hello'
- cst" ~~ surround with " - does not work? Instead...
- yss" ~~ wrap entire line
- ysiw ~~ surround with HTML tags
- s.a. doc/vim-surround.txt
- goyo
- :Goyo [dimension] ~~ absolute measure or percentage (80x50%)q
- <C-w> +,-,<,> ~~ Resize window (regular) in-, decrease height/ width
- <F9> ~~ set to comfortable dimensions (65%x80%)
- does not work inside tmux
- <C-F9> ~~ dirty little hack: change font size to 15 (via urxvt-font-size)
- docopen
- gd ~~ or :DocOpen Open Vimhelp in Browser, regardings help tag under cursor
- ygd ~~ yank :DocOpen URL
- Couldn't get a file descriptor referring to the console - even is suffix alias is configured in zsh.
- cutlass
- NERDTree
- * t ## toggle Nerdtree * f ## find file in Nerdtree
- <C-h> ~~ switch to pane (tmux)/ window (vim) to the left
- <C-j> ~~ switch to pane (tmux)/ window (vim) down
- <C-k> ~~ switch to pane (tmux)/ window (vim) up
- <C-l> ~~ switch to pane (tmux)/ window (vim) to the right
- <C- -->> ~~ clone file
- gD ~~ go to dir of other pane
- Sort order ... # Alt-
- $ ~~ by extention
- z ~~ by time, (Z)eit
- ! ~~ show sort order menu
- <leader> ... # is ,
- t ~~ open URL in background
- T ~~ open URL in background based on current URL
- R ~~ reload ~/.vimperatorrc
- h ~~ make (h)ardcopy w/o confirmation (print with default printer)
- WIP:
- h1 ~~ make (h)ardcopy - one-on-one page
- h2 ~~ two-on-one page
- p ~~ (p)aste clipboard enclosed in quote signs in current tab (i.e. search with default engine and ignore comma)
- P ~~ (P)aste clipboard enclosed in quote signs in new tab
- f ~~ (f)ind clipboard content in website/ tab
- s ~~ (s)ave current page in default download directory
- gta ~~ (g)o! (t)ab (a)ttach tab to another window
- gtd ~~ (t)ab (d)etach to its own window
- ; ...
- c ~~ context menu
- w ~~ follow hint in a new window
- g ... # o!
- u ~~ open URL one dir/slash (u)p: http://domain.de/here/i/am -> http://domain.de/here/i/
- U ~~ open URL (U)p to stem: http://domain.de
- f ~~ view source of website in current tab
- F ~~ view source of website in GVim
- s ~~ (s)earch in current tab (
) - S ~~ (S)earch in new tab (
) - ge ~~ (g)o! (e)dit wiki page!
- gE ~~ (g)o! (E)dit page in a new tab
- gne ~~ (g)o! (n)ew wiki page, (e)dit! (with Template:Preload_gen)
- <leader> ... # is ,
- E ~~ edit wiki-page
- yy ~~ yank current URL
- <C-o> ~~ go back in history
- <C-i> ~~ go forward in history
- gb ~~ (go) to (b)uffer/ tab
- <C-#> ~~ edit text box with gvim (lib/cvim-server requires to be run)
- one script: ''
- git pull && git submodule update --init --recursive --merge (gfmS)
- vim-submodules via vim-plug
- tmux-submodules via tpm ( U)
- dotfiles/treasury ~~ some perls yet to be included
- start first tmux session: sourcing tmux.reset.conf
- VIM: after reloading vimrc a few functions are broken
- cannot use .less
- todo parser
- copyfast
- setup
- one update function
- gfmS, vi and tpm
- confed with switch to differentiate btw terminal-only and including DE-packages
- ~/.multitailrc not being read
- color
- of cursor in terminal: zpreztorc, highlight cursor
- color spectrum is shitty, some colors do not differ from bg
- tmux - Xresources - zpreztorc - vim
- toggle color in vim
- bright and dark settings
- depending on sys-time?
- red-light
- vi-keybindings for prompt in zpreztorc
- git
- collection command to see unstaged or uncommited content in all (sub)modules
- commit_msg: remove remote address
- config rather than alias?
- Link-safer for terminal (bookmark) (s.a. [[ Tools#Collaboration ]]
- vimperator plugins - colors
- git abbreviation - package (prezto?)
- prezto
- in what way does the order matter?
- history-substring-search: "If this module is used in conjuncture with the syntax-highlighting module, it must be loaded after it."
- in what way does the order matter?
- arrange
- default only terminal packages
- start tpm and vim-plug fetch
- "pmodload: no such module: rumpel" ?
- vim
- <> ~~ move tab one down/up...?
- PlugInstall! if not exist
- if INSERTMODE cursor w/ underline
- gvim ~~ set C-M-v to insert...
- y$ ~~ copy till real end of line
- i_<End> ~~ end of screen-line <-> ~~ end of real line.
- tmux
- autostart session if none exists
- ... attach if no other client is attached
- ... do not attach else and give feedback
- break pane: even if it is a vim window-split
- destroy-unattached on: exit/ kill session if no other attached?
- kill sessions that are lonely
- vimperator
- if <wiki-url-pattern>, focus on wiki-text-edit-frame textarea#wpTextbox1, send-keys <C-i>
- <Esc> - leave insert mode of ff-tab
- leave note, along the lines editing in window gvim1
- opt.: position gvim-window on textarea
- keymapping to switch to correct window for continue editing
- search in website-source w/o viewsource (e.g. link contents)
- when mouse-click retreat from INSERT mode
- if <wiki-url-pattern>, focus on wiki-text-edit-frame textarea#wpTextbox1, send-keys <C-i>
- dependencies: (s.a. arrange.sh)
- zsh
- git-flow
- vim-gnome
- sar/atsar and/or iostat for tmux-cpu
- wmctrl
- xsel (xclip too?)
- bin ** killhim: kill all found processes (not just one)
- README/ doc ** generate hotkey-centric view and function-centric view (e.g. "search") from program-centric view (this)