Releases: dCache/oncrpc4j
[maven-release-plugin] copy for tag oncrpc4j-3.3.3
Minor fix
Changelog for oncrpc4j-3.1.0..oncrpc4j-3.1.1
* [41ab2d3] [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
* [e533966] pom: add profile to sign artifacts
* [f917a7d] rpc: remove complete timeout task after request is complete
* [641d6cf] Set leader-follower strategy in grizzly if selected in oncrpc4j.
* [fee2395] [maven-release-plugin] prepare release oncrpc4j-3.1.1
New major release with highlights:
- update dependency to grizzly-4.0.0 and guava-31
- added possibility to add call interceptor
- optimized encoding of grizzly Buffers and NIO ByteBuffers
Changelog for oncrpc4j-3.2.0..oncrpc4j-3.3.0
* [8b927c9] [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
* [9ca5fe1] rpc: introduce OncRpcSvcBuilder#withCallInterceptor
* [6061c9f] rpc: add unit tests for RpcDispatcher
* [438b3a3] libs: use up-to-date guava-31
* [bc9e812] libs: use grizzly-4.0.0
* [18c432c] benchmarks: simplify way to run benchmarks
* [f7cf70a] rpc: drop RpcMessage class
* [755944a] xdr: optimize encoding of ByteBuffer
* [4e98f79] rpc: make empty Subject static final field
* [d2f26e2] test: skip tests that can be made under java19
* [506c949] rpc: move RPC record marking into GrizzlyRpcTransport
* [032d7dc] xrd: add Xdr#xdrEncodeShallowByteBuffer(Buffer)
* [7d6e0fb] test: fix hard coded port number
* [cd19d6f] test: fix broken test
* [9987da7] [maven-release-plugin] prepare branch 3.3
* [f2a1df6] [maven-release-plugin] prepare release oncrpc4j-3.3.0
Feature release with highlights:
- added possibility to control memory pool used by underlying grizzly NIO framework
- improvements in RPC-over-TLS
- support builds with java17
Changelog for oncrpc4j-3.2.0...oncrpc4j-3.1.0
* [ada2353] [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
* [b42847a] [maven-release-plugin] prepare release oncrpc4j-3.1.0
* [7b531eb] readme: add latest release badge
* [6cd0cab] pom: add profile to sign artifacts
* [1e91d7a] test: improve test coverage of XdrLong
* [9328681] rpc: remove complete timeout task after request is complete
* [c66adbf] rpc: change ABI to have more predictable client behaviour
* [22fdabb] portmap: don't use Boolean object when primitive is required
* [cef527b] portmap: don't create an array when calling vararg method
* [5b97286] Use HTTPS instead of HTTP to resolve dependencies
* [a96f091] readme: describe how to use RPC-over-TLS
* [3c627fa] test: add TLS-over-UDP (DTLS) test
* [d433442] build(deps): bump guava from 24.1-jre to 24.1.1-jre
* [2085136] build(deps): bump junit from 4.12 to 4.13.1
* [3e86824] rpc: fix typo in error message
* [b60d201] pom: require java11
* [b95b59a] portmap: fix unnecessary array creation for logging
* [d4ffc78] Log the address we disconnected from in the exception
* [54cf59c] xdr: remote redundant bracket
* [c4b9961] oncrpc: add ability to control memory allocator
* [95a99b4] gss: remove unused imports
* [2d47552] rpcsvc: use try-with-resource when updating portmap
* [656391d] rpc: fix typo in a comment
* [cab1d81] rpc: move MemoryAllocator into org.dcache.oncrpc4j.rpc package
* [f67311c] rpc: drop SimpleRpcClient and SimpleRpcServer
* [d0f33a0] junit: simplify unit test assertions
* [cf298a5] rpc: add RpcCall#startTLS to simplify the API
* [5b1b405] build(deps-dev): bump bcprov-ext-jdk15on from 1.60 to 1.67
* [50ad1f0] pom: use grizzly-3.0.0
* [ec08f5d] rpc-over-tls: use per-connection STARTTLS attribute
* [e04037d] pom: use java-17 capable jacoco-0.8.7
* [9926a66] rpc: ensure that client on startTLS sends an empty verifier
* [7ecf686] rpc: introduce RpcTransport#isTLS
* [87985be] gss: don't use grizzly buffer without need
* [801cce6] xdr: pass grizzly memory managet to Xdr
* [afb7577] [maven-release-plugin] prepare branch 3.2
* [65accd1] [maven-release-plugin] prepare release oncrpc4j-3.2.0
New major version with highlights:
- Drop dependency on dcache-auth , which had incompatible license
- Experimental AUTH_TLS support
- Various javadoc improvements
- Improved code coverage
- removed direct dependency on grizzly-framework-monitoring
Changelog for oncrpc4j-3.0.0..oncrpc4j-3.1.0
* [6aac14c] [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
* [fea57b0] xdr: do not flip byte buffer in Xdr#xdrEncodeByteBuffer
* [10bf98b] Add xdr(encode|decode)(Int|Long)FixedVector
* [c28f306] rpc: add test case to ensure reply queue cleanup on timeout
* [1e38f5c] rpc: use telescopic methods
* [fe4cf32] rpc: expose CompletableFuture for RpcCall#call method
* [85ad969] portmap: use constants instead of magic numbers
* [2d6deff] rpc: limit number of threads when testing
* [1de41be] portmap: fix/optimize rpcb_list and pmaplist encoding
* [0802b3b] portmap: fix xdr encoding of mapping object
* [dc18b4d] portmap: remove OncRpcbindServer#main()
* [7a24730] libs: use mockito-2.22.0 with java11 support
* [2819840] docs: use latest official release in example
* [48b44d0] libs: update to use spring-5.1 release
* [95628d3] src: fix typo in method name
* [7479eec] oncrpcsvc: do not use FixedThreadPool from grizzly
* [a666f5d] oncrpc: remove dead code
* [c75e3ed] pom: enable jacoco code coverage
* [966e9da] tests: improve test coverage of Xdr class
* [adef1a1] test: improve test coverage of InetSocketAddresses
* [3d89c3e] grizzly: explicitly disallow instance of GrizzlyMemoryManager
* [d308cdc] test: improve test coverage of XdrOpaque
* [dd0c6bc] test: improve test coverage of XdrInt
* [8a994e9] oncrpc: add RPC over TLS
* [d7f934b] oncrpc: bind service to localhost during unit testing.
* [a6981bf] oncrpc: add support for AUTH_TLS
* [1d98aaa] xdr: introduce argument-less constructor for XdrOpaque
* [052e329] benchmarks: add throughput benchmark for TLS and non TLS configurations
* [f07892e] oncrpc: accept SSLParameters to configure SSLEngine
* [23a712d] test: introduce constant for op NULL
* [480bfb8] svc: add OncRpcSvcBuilder#withoutStartTLS method
* [f387a9b] spring: allow TLS configuration with spring integration
* [9a0e9ed] tls: return fixed ASCII characters "STARTTLS" as starttls verifier
* [44005ba] oncrpc4j-core: fix various javadoc issues
* [145e10b] gss: set krb5 debug mode according to property
* [9f8fde0] remove dependency on dcache-auth
* [9255664] rpc: introduce handy RpcAuthTypeUnix#ofCurrentUnixUser method
* [e60e607] pom: enable spotbugs plugin
* [3d99268] docs: fix formatting
* [9bd3d49] pom: enforce utf-8 encoding
* [941a766] pom: remove grizzly-framework-monitoring jar as dependency
* [3bce2aa] [maven-release-plugin] prepare branch 3.1
* [b42847a] [maven-release-plugin] prepare release oncrpc4j-3.1.0