What's Changed
- add teachers component by @nandigamy in #15
- Teachers by @nandigamy in #18
- Teachers by @nandigamy in #19
- Teachers by @nandigamy in #20
- contactappintmentlinks by @nandigamy in #21
- Teachers by @nandigamy in #22
- Teachers by @nandigamy in #23
- commit erroer resolution by @nandigamy in #24
- Backend dev by @daanishgoyal in #26
- Merging after creating additional data points by @pathak-aman in #28
- teachers list on displays as per search results from backend by @nandigamy in #27
- teacherspecific page link by @nandigamy in #29
- teachers and teacherspecific test cases by @nandigamy in #30
- searchsingleselection_testcase by @nandigamy in #31
- Teacherspecific by @nandigamy in #32
- Teacherspecific by @nandigamy in #33
- merging tecaherspecif by @nandigamy in #34
- Teacherspecific img ht by @nandigamy in #35
- jest_unit_tests by @nandigamy in #36
- -twomore jest unit tests by @nandigamy in #37
- getComments Functionality by @daanishgoyal in #50
- added GetContactDetails by @daanishgoyal in #51
- teacherpageredeisgn by @nandigamy in #49
- added getTeacherSchedule by @daanishgoyal in #52
- Added Booking APIs by @pathak-aman in #53
- Tpageredesign by @nandigamy in #54
- Booking history by @akshayg1996 in #55
- comments compoenent and contact details by @nandigamy in #56
- Ratingservice by @nandigamy in #57
- no comments error fixed by @nandigamy in #60
- introduced book appointment feature by @akshayg1996 in #59
- booking status displays after successful booking below contact details by @akshayg1996 in #61
- rating changes done by @nandigamy in #63
- UI changes done for teacher specific page by @nandigamy in #64
- contact details now redirects to login incase user is not logged in by @akshayg1996 in #65
- booking confirmation display by @nandigamy in #66
- book appointment redirects to login page if user not logged in by @akshayg1996 in #67
- loginbookingstatus and UI by @nandigamy in #68
- Integration tests cypress for sprint 3 by @nandigamy in #69
- Jest unit tests for Sprint 3 by @akshayg1996 in #70
- images_tests by @nandigamy in #71
- unitestimage by @nandigamy in #73
- Backend booking appointment by @pathak-aman in #72
- commentslayout and email button by @nandigamy in #74
- UIchnages_and_integration_test by @nandigamy in #75
- Booking confirmation via email by @pathak-aman in #76
- UI chnages by @nandigamy in #77
- Protected Route redirects cleanly to last visited page by @akshayg1996 in #78
- Email link opens default system app for mailbox by @akshayg1996 in #79
- clicking_email_sending_email_feature by @nandigamy in #80
- added bookingMessage by @daanishgoyal in #83
- Feat: Additional BookingMessage, confirmation_sent param in the bookingAPI by @pathak-aman in #84
- added CancelAppointment API by @daanishgoyal in #88
- users can send a note to teacher while booking an appointment by @akshayg1996 in #89
- cypress_test_email_phno by @nandigamy in #91
- Order by Booking Date by @pathak-aman in #93
- updated initial UI changes for cancel booking by @nandigamy in #92
- Cancel Booking appointment feature implemented and working by @akshayg1996 in #94
- appointment_noslot_message by @nandigamy in #95
- bookingstatus_alignment by @nandigamy in #96
- message_to_teacher_cypress_test by @nandigamy in #97
- test_small_chnages by @nandigamy in #98
- Added Unittest cases by @pathak-aman in #99
- created cypress test for cancel booking feature by @akshayg1996 in #100
New Contributors
- @daanishgoyal made their first contribution in #26
- @pathak-aman made their first contribution in #28
Full Changelog: https://github.com/daanishgoyal/myLearningPlace/commits/v1.0.0