- Deploy Exchange contract with token contract address:
- AsaToken (0x1A5Cf8a4611CA718B6F0218141aC0Bfa114AAf7D)
- HawKoin (0x42cD7B2c632E3F589933275095566DE6d8c1bfa5)
- KorthCoin (0x0B09AC43C6b788146fe0223159EcEa12b2EC6361)
- Approve exchange contract address that gets deployed on respective token contract by calling the approve function
- Provide liquidity
provideLiquidity(uint _amountERC20Token)
Description: This function allows a user to provide liquidity to the exchange by depositing both Ether and ERC20 tokens in a specific ratio. The user receives liquidity positions in return, which are proportionate to their contribution to the liquidity pool
Usage: Liquidity providers use this function to participate in the exchange and earn liquidity positions
Returns: The function returns a uint indicating the number of liquidity positions issued to the caller
estimateEthToProvide(uint _amountERC20Token)
Description: This function is used to estimate the amount of Ether required to provide a specific amount of ERC20 tokens while maintaining the current ratio in the exchange
Usage: Liquidity providers can use this function to plan their contributions to the pool
Returns: The function returns a uint representing the amount of Ether needed to maintain the desired ratio in the contract
estimateERC20TokenToProvide(uint _amountEth)
Description: Similar to estimateEthToProvide, this function estimates the amount of ERC20 tokens required to provide a specific amount of Ether while maintaining the current ratio
Usage: Liquidity providers use this function to plan their contributions to the pool when providing Ether
Returns: The function returns a uint representing the amount of ERC20 tokens needed to maintain the desired ratio in the contract
Description: This function allows users to check the number of liquidity positions associated with their address
Usage: Liquidity providers can use this function to view their current liquidity positions
Returns: The function returns a uint representing the number of liquidity positions owned by the caller
withdrawLiquidity(uint _liquidityPositionsToBurn)
Description: Liquidity providers can use this function to withdraw a portion of their liquidity by burning a specified number of liquidity positions. In return, they receive Ether and ERC20 tokens based on the withdrawn positions
Usage: Liquidity providers use this function to reduce their participation in the pool and receive their share of Ether and ERC20 tokens
Returns: The function returns two uint values - the amount of ERC20 tokens sent and the amount of Ether sent to the caller
swapForEth(uint _amountERC20Token)
Description: This function enables users to swap a specified amount of ERC20 tokens for Ether in the exchange. It calculates the amount of Ether based on the current pool ratio and returns the calculated Ether
Usage: Users use this function to exchange ERC20 tokens for Ether
Returns: The function returns a uint representing the amount of Ether received by the caller
estimateSwapForEth(uint _amountERC20Token)
Description: Similar to estimateEthToProvide, this function estimates the amount of Ether a user would receive when swapping a specified amount of ERC20 tokens for Ether
Usage: Users use this function to predict the amount of Ether they would receive before performing the swap
Returns: The function returns a uint representing the amount of Ether that the caller would receive
Description: This function allows users to swap a specified amount of Ether for ERC20 tokens in the exchange. It calculates the amount of ERC20 tokens based on the current pool ratio and returns the calculated tokens
Usage: Users use this function to exchange Ether for ERC20 tokens
Returns: The function returns a uint representing the amount of ERC20 tokens received by the caller
estimateSwapForERC20Token(uint _amountEth)
Description: Similar to estimateSwapForEth, this function estimates the amount of ERC20 tokens a user would receive when swapping a specified amount of Ether for ERC20 tokens
Usage: Users use this function to predict the amount of ERC20 tokens they would receive before performing the swap
Returns: The function returns a uint representing the amount of ERC20 tokens that the caller would receive