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Building from source

Zih Csongor edited this page Jul 7, 2018 · 1 revision

This project uses electron-builder, which is very easy to use, but only works when installed with yarn, not npm. To build, just execute app/node_modules/.bin/electron-builder in the root directory.

However, there are some caveats: currently, the software only supports 64-bit Windows and Mac. To build it for any other system, you'll have to edit index.js:61-66. The application was not tested on other systems, and might not work.

You also have to provide the FFmpeg / FFprobe static binaries when building, these are not included in the Git repo because they are large. For Mac and 64-bit Windows, the build script and software are already configured to use app/bin/darwin/ffmpeg and app\bin\win64\ffmpeg.exe for the two systems. This is the same for FFprobe. If you just include the FFmpeg / FFprobe binaries, it should work fine. For other systems, you'll have to add file paths to index.js and electron-builder.json.

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