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Import export limitations

Csongor Zih edited this page Jan 29, 2025 · 2 revisions

wtherion has some limitations you should keep in mind when importing and exporting TH2 files.

  • Formatting of the TH2 file is not preserved. This means that if you import a TH2 file, and then export it again, the formatting may be different. You can set Configuration > Functionality > Export format to XTherion compatibility to format numbers and lines in the same way as XTherion, but if your input file used mixed formatting, this will not be preserved.
  • Areas cannot have more than one bounding line. This is because it would be hard to represent these in a 2D editor. If you import a TH2 file containing an area with multiple bounding lines, only the first one will be used.
  • Raster images and XVI graphics are not included in the TH2 export. XTherion metadata for included XVI is recognised on import, but will not be created for exports.
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