Now that you have a solid understanding of your database schema for your hotel management system, today you will build off of your initial web application from lab 12 and integrate into it our database tables from our ERD.
Your application should include the following upon completion:
Explicit routing of MVC MVC dependency in ConfigureServices DBContext registered in ConfigureServices Data DBContext present and properly configured DB Tables for each entity model (DbSet) Composite key association present in OnModelCreating override. appsettings.json file present with name of database updated Default data seeded Models Each Entity from the DB Table converted into a Model Proper naming conventions of Primary keys Navigation properties present in each Model where required Enum present in appropriate model ##Guidance Using your ERD Diagram, convert each entity into a model within your newly created MVC web application.
Within your DbContext, declare your Database tables and set your composite keys for the required tables
Add default data to your database by seeding your database. Be sure have at least: 5 default Hotel Locations 6 Room Types 5 Amenities. Don’t forget to add a new migration and update your database when completed! ##Steps: For each Entity that you have in your ERD, create a new class in your Models folder. Inside your DbContext, create a new table/DbSet for each of your created entity classes Add your composite key associations to your overridden OnModelCreating method. Run the command add-migration {nameOfMigration} Run the command Update-database and confirm your database now has the appropriate tables. Add Summary comments to your code where necessary.