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Releases: dahlia/fedify

Fedify 1.3.0

29 Nov 15:20
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Released on November 30, 2024.

  • MessageQueues now can be differently configured for incoming and outgoing activities.

    • Changed the type of CreateFederationOptions.queue option to FederationQueueOptions | MessageQueue | undefined (was MessageQueue | undefined).
    • Added FederationQueueOptions interface.
    • Added FederationStartQueueOptions.queue option.
  • Fedify now makes HTTP requests with the proper User-Agent header. [#162]

    • Added getUserAgent() function.
    • Added GetUserAgentOptions interface.
    • Added getDocumentLoader() function.
    • Added GetDocumentLoaderOptions interface.
    • The type of getAuthenticatedDocumentLoader() function's second parameter became GetAuthenticatedDocumentLoaderOptions | undefined (was boolean | undefined).
    • Added GetAuthenticatedDocumentLoaderOptions interface.
    • Deprecated fetchDocumentLoader() function.
    • Added LookupObjectOptions.userAgent option.
    • Added the type of getActorHandle() function's second parameter became GetActorHandleOptions | undefined (was NormalizeActorHandleOptions | undefined).
    • Added GetActorHandleOptions interface.
    • Added the optional second parameter to lookupWebFinger() function.
    • Added LookupWebFingerOptions interface.
    • Added GetNodeInfoOptions.userAgent option.
    • Added -u/--user-agent option to fedify lookup subcommand.
    • Added -u/--user-agent option to fedify node subcommand.
  • Fedify now caches unavailable keys of remote actors as well to avoid trying fetching the same unavailable key multiple times.

    • The return type of the KeyCache.get() method became Promise<CryptographicKey | MultiKey | null | undefined> (was Promise<CryptographicKey | MultiKey | null>).
    • The type of the KeyCache.set() method's second parameter became CryptographicKey | MultiKey | null (was CryptographicKey | MultiKey).
    • Added fetchKey() function.
    • Added FetchKeyOptions interface.
    • Added FetchKeyResult interface.
  • The Router now provide the matched route's URI template besides the name.

    • The return type of Router.route() method became RouterRouteResult | null (was { name: string; values: Record<string, string> } | null).
    • Added RouterRouteResult interface.
  • Added getTypeId() function.

  • Context.sendActivity() and InboxContext.forwardActivity() methods now reject when they fail to enqueue the task. [#192]

  • Fedify now allows you to manually route an Activity to the corresponding inbox listener. [#193]

    • Added Context.routeActivity() method.
    • Added RouteActivityOptions interface.
  • Object.toJsonLd() without any format option now returns its original JSON-LD object even if it not created from Object.fromJsonLd() but it is returned from another Object's get*() method.

  • Fedify now supports OpenTelemetry for tracing. [#170]

    • Added Context.tracerProvider property.

    • Added CreateFederationOptions.tracerProvider option.

    • Added LookupWebFingerOptions.tracerProvider option.

    • Added LookupObjectOptions.tracerProvider option.

    • Added GetActorHandleOptions.tracerProvider option.

    • Added VerifyRequestOptions.tracerProvider option.

    • Added SignRequestOptions interface.

    • Added the optional fourth parameter to signRequest() function.

    • Added VerifyProofOptions.tracerProvider option.

    • Added VerifyObjectOptions.tracerProvider option.

    • Added SignObjectOptions.tracerProvider option.

    • Added VerifySignatureOptions.tracerProvider option.

    • Added VerifyJsonLdOptions.tracerProvider option.

    • Added SignJsonLdOptions.tracerProvider option.

    • Added DoesActorOwnKeyOptions.tracerProvider option.

    • Added GetKeyOwnerOptions.tracerProvider option.

    • Added tracerProvider option to the following Activity Vocabulary APIs:

      • The second parameters of constructors.
      • The second parameters of fromJsonLd() static methods.
      • The second parameters of get*() methods.
  • Added @fedify/fedify/x/sveltekit module for integrating with SvelteKit hook. [#171, #183 by Jiyu Park]

    • Added fedifyHook() function.
  • The scaffold project generated by fedify init command now enables tracing data into log messages.

  • Let the fedify lookup command take multiple arguments. [#173, #186 by PGD]

Fedify 1.2.8

23 Nov 08:02
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Released on November 23, 2024.

  • Fixed warnings from the fedify inbox command. [#177, #181 by WinterHana]
  • Fixed ShikiError on the fedify inbox command rendering web interface. [#178, #185 by Heesun Jung]
  • Fixed text overflow of the fedify inbox command's web log view. [#180, #188 by Lim Kyunghee]

Fedify 1.1.8

23 Nov 07:53
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Released on November 23, 2024.

  • Fixed ShikiError on the fedify inbox command rendering web interface. [#178, #185 by Heesun Jung]
  • Fixed text overflow of the fedify inbox command's web log view. [#180, #188 by Lim Kyunghee]

Fedify 1.2.7

22 Nov 08:25
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Released on December 22, 2024.

  • Fixed a bug where lookupWebFinger() function had thrown a TypeError when the .well-known/webfinger redirects to a relative URI. [#166]

Fedify 1.1.7

22 Nov 08:20
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Released on November 22, 2024.

  • Fixed a bug where lookupWebFinger() function had thrown a TypeError when the .well-known/webfinger redirects to a relative URI. [#166]

Fedify 1.0.11

22 Nov 08:18
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Released on December 22, 2024.

  • Fixed a bug where lookupWebFinger() function had thrown a TypeError when the .well-known/webfinger redirects to a relative URI. [#166]

Fedify 0.15.9

22 Nov 08:15
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Released on November 22, 2024.

  • Fixed a bug where lookupWebFinger() function had thrown a TypeError when the .well-known/webfinger redirects to a relative URI. [#166]

Fedify 1.2.6

19 Nov 07:07
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Released on December 19, 2024.

  • Fix a bug where Actor's inbox and outbox properties had not been able to be set to an OrderedCollectionPage object, even though it is a subtype of OrderedCollection according to Activity Vocabulary specification. [#165]

    • The type of Application() constructor's inbox and outbox options is now OrderedCollection | OrderedCollectionPage | null | undefined (was OrderedCollection | null | undefined).
    • The type of Application.clone() method's inbox and outbox options is now OrderedCollection | OrderedCollectionPage | null | undefined (was OrderedCollection | null | undefined).
    • The return type of Application.getInbox() and Application.getOutbox() methods is now OrderedCollection | OrderedCollectionPage | null (was OrderedCollection | null).
    • The type of Group() constructor's inbox and outbox options is now OrderedCollection | OrderedCollectionPage | null | undefined (was OrderedCollection | null | undefined).
    • The type of Group.clone() method's inbox and outbox options is now OrderedCollection | OrderedCollectionPage | null | undefined (was OrderedCollection | null | undefined).
    • The return type of Group.getInbox() and Group.getOutbox() methods is now OrderedCollection | OrderedCollectionPage | null (was OrderedCollection | null).
    • The type of Organization() constructor's inbox and outbox options is now OrderedCollection | OrderedCollectionPage | null | undefined (was OrderedCollection | null | undefined).
    • The type of Organization.clone() method's inbox and outbox options is now OrderedCollection | OrderedCollectionPage | null | undefined (was OrderedCollection | null | undefined).
    • The return type of Organization.getInbox() and Organization.getOutbox() methods is now OrderedCollection | OrderedCollectionPage | null (was OrderedCollection | null).
    • The type of Person() constructor's inbox and outbox options is now OrderedCollection | OrderedCollectionPage | null | undefined (was OrderedCollection | null | undefined).
    • The type of Person.clone() method's inbox and outbox options is now OrderedCollection | OrderedCollectionPage | null | undefined (was OrderedCollection | null | undefined).
    • The return type of Person.getInbox() and Person.getOutbox() methods is now OrderedCollection | OrderedCollectionPage | null (was OrderedCollection | null).
    • The type of Service() constructor's inbox and outbox options is now OrderedCollection | OrderedCollectionPage | null | undefined (was OrderedCollection | null | undefined).
    • The type of Service.clone() method's inbox and outbox options is now OrderedCollection | OrderedCollectionPage | null | undefined (was OrderedCollection | null | undefined).
    • The return type of Service.getInbox() and Service.getOutbox() methods is now OrderedCollection | OrderedCollectionPage | null (was OrderedCollection | null).

Fedify 1.1.6

19 Nov 07:02
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Released on November 19, 2024.

  • Fix a bug where Actor's inbox and outbox properties had not been able to be set to an OrderedCollectionPage object, even though it is a subtype of OrderedCollection according to Activity Vocabulary specification. [#165]

    • The type of Application() constructor's inbox and outbox options is now OrderedCollection | OrderedCollectionPage | null | undefined (was OrderedCollection | null | undefined).
    • The type of Application.clone() method's inbox and outbox options is now OrderedCollection | OrderedCollectionPage | null | undefined (was OrderedCollection | null | undefined).
    • The return type of Application.getInbox() and Application.getOutbox() methods is now OrderedCollection | OrderedCollectionPage | null (was OrderedCollection | null).
    • The type of Group() constructor's inbox and outbox options is now OrderedCollection | OrderedCollectionPage | null | undefined (was OrderedCollection | null | undefined).
    • The type of Group.clone() method's inbox and outbox options is now OrderedCollection | OrderedCollectionPage | null | undefined (was OrderedCollection | null | undefined).
    • The return type of Group.getInbox() and Group.getOutbox() methods is now OrderedCollection | OrderedCollectionPage | null (was OrderedCollection | null).
    • The type of Organization() constructor's inbox and outbox options is now OrderedCollection | OrderedCollectionPage | null | undefined (was OrderedCollection | null | undefined).
    • The type of Organization.clone() method's inbox and outbox options is now OrderedCollection | OrderedCollectionPage | null | undefined (was OrderedCollection | null | undefined).
    • The return type of Organization.getInbox() and Organization.getOutbox() methods is now OrderedCollection | OrderedCollectionPage | null (was OrderedCollection | null).
    • The type of Person() constructor's inbox and outbox options is now OrderedCollection | OrderedCollectionPage | null | undefined (was OrderedCollection | null | undefined).
    • The type of Person.clone() method's inbox and outbox options is now OrderedCollection | OrderedCollectionPage | null | undefined (was OrderedCollection | null | undefined).
    • The return type of Person.getInbox() and Person.getOutbox() methods is now OrderedCollection | OrderedCollectionPage | null (was OrderedCollection | null).
    • The type of Service() constructor's inbox and outbox options is now OrderedCollection | OrderedCollectionPage | null | undefined (was OrderedCollection | null | undefined).
    • The type of Service.clone() method's inbox and outbox options is now OrderedCollection | OrderedCollectionPage | null | undefined (was OrderedCollection | null | undefined).
    • The return type of Service.getInbox() and Service.getOutbox() methods is now OrderedCollection | OrderedCollectionPage | null (was OrderedCollection | null).

Fedify 1.0.10

19 Nov 06:58
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Released on December 19, 2024.

  • Fix a bug where Actor's inbox and outbox properties had not been able to be set to an OrderedCollectionPage object, even though it is a subtype of OrderedCollection according to Activity Vocabulary specification. [#165]

    • The type of Application() constructor's inbox and outbox options is now OrderedCollection | OrderedCollectionPage | null | undefined (was OrderedCollection | null | undefined).
    • The type of Application.clone() method's inbox and outbox options is now OrderedCollection | OrderedCollectionPage | null | undefined (was OrderedCollection | null | undefined).
    • The return type of Application.getInbox() and Application.getOutbox() methods is now OrderedCollection | OrderedCollectionPage | null (was OrderedCollection | null).
    • The type of Group() constructor's inbox and outbox options is now OrderedCollection | OrderedCollectionPage | null | undefined (was OrderedCollection | null | undefined).
    • The type of Group.clone() method's inbox and outbox options is now OrderedCollection | OrderedCollectionPage | null | undefined (was OrderedCollection | null | undefined).
    • The return type of Group.getInbox() and Group.getOutbox() methods is now OrderedCollection | OrderedCollectionPage | null (was OrderedCollection | null).
    • The type of Organization() constructor's inbox and outbox options is now OrderedCollection | OrderedCollectionPage | null | undefined (was OrderedCollection | null | undefined).
    • The type of Organization.clone() method's inbox and outbox options is now OrderedCollection | OrderedCollectionPage | null | undefined (was OrderedCollection | null | undefined).
    • The return type of Organization.getInbox() and Organization.getOutbox() methods is now OrderedCollection | OrderedCollectionPage | null (was OrderedCollection | null).
    • The type of Person() constructor's inbox and outbox options is now OrderedCollection | OrderedCollectionPage | null | undefined (was OrderedCollection | null | undefined).
    • The type of Person.clone() method's inbox and outbox options is now OrderedCollection | OrderedCollectionPage | null | undefined (was OrderedCollection | null | undefined).
    • The return type of Person.getInbox() and Person.getOutbox() methods is now OrderedCollection | OrderedCollectionPage | null (was OrderedCollection | null).
    • The type of Service() constructor's inbox and outbox options is now OrderedCollection | OrderedCollectionPage | null | undefined (was OrderedCollection | null | undefined).
    • The type of Service.clone() method's inbox and outbox options is now OrderedCollection | OrderedCollectionPage | null | undefined (was OrderedCollection | null | undefined).
    • The return type of Service.getInbox() and Service.getOutbox() methods is now OrderedCollection | OrderedCollectionPage | null (was OrderedCollection | null).