These are all my dotfiles and my NixOS config.
- NixOS config is obviously in
- Currently using dotbot to symlink dotfiles out (Will likely be switching over to NixOS home-manager eventually)
These files are not generalized, so they probably will only work for me.
Symlinked just using the ./install
Conifg is configured using flakes, so you can apply the config as follows:
sudo nixos-rebuild switch --flake nixos/.#default
All my packages are defines in nixos/modules/nixos/packages.nix
I dont use Arch anymore so this list will likely be out of date
yay -S zsh zoxide fzf hyprland terminator \
swaync waybar wofi swaylock swayidle pipewire \
wireplumber xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland \
xdg-desktop-portal-gtk polkit-kde-agent \
hyprpaper cliphist wl-clip-persist \
nerd-fonts hyprshot swaylock-effects \
mako python-psutil python-pydbus \
network-manager-applet blueman \
catppuccin-gtk-theme-mocha \
ripgrep fd