Testing configuration and behavior of an ELK stack. Built from a default ELK stack found here.
- Ingest logs from dockerized application stacks running on physical platforms
- Ingest server logs
- Ingest mobile app logs
- Use S3 as a backend
- Run entirely containerized
Extensions currently active:
This branch is set up to use nginx as a reverse proxy to terminate TLS and to perform client authentication. The full docs for setting this up are not recorded here.
Start the stack with docker-compose up
. Start filebeat with docker-compose -f spout.yaml up filebeat
Test with:
echo '{"level": 4, "message": "this is my message", "project": "gps", "project_version": "1.2.3", "time": 1544205586}
' >> filebeat/sample_log.json
Minimal set:
- EBS volume
- User and Device auth recheck
Future work:
- Long-term storage solution
- Mobile logs input
- Rate-limiting
Probably done:
- Client auth (TLS termination with client cert checking)
- Kibana auth
This plugin supports s3 snapshots for elasticsearch, but that doesn't seem like what I want.
Logstash S3 output plugin. Is this enough? Does Elasticsearch also need an output plugin? This question thread implies that what I want to do is impossible. Maybe a migration system to move logs past a certain date to s3?
The curator plugin shipped with this repo might rotate indicies in the way I need.
This site may help with security.
Simple tutorial for logstash certificate auth.
Could also experiment with client TLS auth via nginx reverse proxy, but that may not be flexible enough for all kinds of ELK plugins.
Logspout is great and all, but filebeat might just be better. It can handle raw json files on its own, which means I don't have to muck about with an adapter. I suspect its more robust to network issues. Downsides are anything that logs needs to know JSON, so ROS and javascript projects won't work out of the box.
Probably need a custom template for filebeat.
My plan right now is to let nginx handle authentication via client certificate certificate and a reverse TCP proxy to logstash. A working sample nginx.conf
is checked into source here, as well as an openssl config for testing with self-signed certs locally.
cd nginx
sudo openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout localhost.key -out localhost.crt -config localhost.conf
sudo cp localhost.crt /etc/ssl/certs/localhost.crt
sudo cp localhost.key /etc/ssl/private/localhost.key
These are set up for testing with a local, undockerized nginx. I should have containerized it from the start, sorry!
contains volume mappings for the client's cert and key and nginx tries to load the signing CA. These files are not present here.
Export template:
docker-compose -f spout.yaml run filebeat bash
filebeat -strict.perms=false -c /usr/share/filebeat/filebeat.yml export template > filebeat.template.json
Direct message fields:
: device timelevel
: int from 0-5project
Environmental fields
: serial for devices, email for non-devicesapp_version