- Follow steps 1 to 4 from the docs to install and login to ArogoCD using the port forward.
- Create a new Repository by giving the below details
- Choose your connection method: via HTTPS
- Type - git
- Repository URL: https://github.com/damvinod/argocd-example.git
- Create the below projects and give the wildcard permissions(*) to SOURCE REPOSITORIES and for DESTINATIONS choose https://kubernetes.default.svc.
- demo-dev
- demo-stg
- Click on New App and choose Edit As YAML and copy this contents to create guestbook application in demo-dev project
- Click on New App and choose Edit As YAML and copy this contents to create guestbook application in demo-stg project
- Click on New App and choose Edit As YAML and copy this contents to create visitorbook application in demo-dev, demo-stg project