Take a webshot of a site, upload to s3 and return the url
See src/webshot-s3.coffee
for full documentation.
In hubot project repo, run:
npm install hubot-webshot-s3 --save
Then add hubot-webshot-s3 to your external-scripts.json
user1>> hubot webshot http://www.google.com default
hubot>> https://your_image_bucket/2015-07-16-abcd1234.png
user1>> hubot webshot list profiles
hubot>> default, mobile
user1>> hubot webshot describe mobile
hubot>> {"screenSize":{"width":320,"height":480},"shotSize":{"width":320,"height":"all"},"userAgent":"Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/531."}