Hackoverflow is a StackOverflow clone. It uses Ruby on Rails to provide a backend database, and React/Redux on the frontend
Hackoverflow supports the following features:
- Signing up new users
- Logging in/out users
- Searching for questions by content
- Posting, updating and deleting questions, answers, and comments for logged in users
- Upvoting and downvoting questions, answers, and comments. Users are limited to up or down voting only other users' content, and cannot upvote or downvote multiple times
The most technically interesting implementation detail is probably finding all descendents (answers, comments, comments on answers) of a question in order for the site to display that question, without generating an N+1 problem when the site queries the database. This is achieved by using a single database query to generate a hash that records all items together with their children, and can then be used to find all descendents:
The following code generates the hash:
def self.item_hasher
all_items = Item.includes(:likes, :user).all
item_hash_value = Hash.new {|h,k| h[k] = []}
all_items.each do |item|
return item_hash_value
It is then used in the following code to recursively generate all the descendents of a given item:
def self.descendents(id, hash)
return [] unless hash[id]
return [] if Item.find_by(id: id).parent_id == id
hash[id].map {|child| descendents(child.id.to_i, hash)}.flatten.concat(hash[id])
Everything (questions, answers, and comments) is an item, and every item is displayed by a React ShowItem component. This helps keep the code DRY.