Kastel Is a Chatting App like Discord & Guilded, Though its Open Sourced & Data is encrypted
- Home Page
- Login Page
- Account Creation Page
- General Color Scheme
- Light Theme
- Dark Theme
If you want to contribute fork the development branch, make your changes, verify it works then create a pull request with the changed things, In the Pull request explain what you changed and why you changed it. If you want to make more then one change please do it in one pull request unless they are big things (Like changing Packages, Completely refactoring code etc etc)
This project is licensed under the GPL-3.0 License, For more info please check LICENSE.md
Our analytics software is Umami, We use it to track how many people visit our website and how many people use our app, We do not track any personal information, We only track the following:
- Browser
- Operating System
- Referrer
- Country