provides Stocks
class which facilitates interfacing with real-time information providers of securities trading data. Currently it supports APIs of Financial Modeling Prep, Alpha Vantage, Yahoo Finance and MOEX. Please note that FMP and AV providers will require an API key. It is designed primarily to be used with stock and ETF symbols, though FMP will also provide FOREX data.
class creates and maintains a dictionary of traded securities quotes. Stored values are security long name, current price and change to previous close. The price is stored in the currency of the security for a nominal of 1. The change is stored as a fraction of the price, i.e. a change of 2% will be stored as 0.02.
Use append(ticker, api)
method to fill it with individual stock quotes.
Once you have all the quotes you need, you can use Stocks[key]
to obtain trading data as a list of values. Alternatively, call individual getXXXXXX()
methods to obtain various components of the list. Prior to calling any of these you can use the in
operator to check if a key
has a corresponding record.
The key
is composed out of the stock ticker and the name of the API provider. makeKey(ticker, api)
get you the key
. Or you can simply store the value returned by append()
or update()
. Use splitKey()
to reverse makeKey()
The instances of the Stocks
class are iterable. Trying this code
import stockdata77
stocks = Stocks()
for entry in stocks:
will print tuples of (key, [name, price, change])
like this:
('AAPL:YF', ['Apple Inc.', 155.74, 0.0755525])
('U:YF', ['Unity Software Inc.', 29.23, 0.048421822])
Attempting to cast the whole instance to str
type will get you a formatted table with the current quotes. For instance appending
to the example above will get you this:
----------- ------------------- -------- ---------
AAPL:YF Apple Inc. 155.74 7.56%
U:YF Unity Software ... 29.23 4.84%
Use maintain(interval)
to fork a thread that updates the quotes at the given intervals in seconds. Invoking desist()
will stop the updates. See the included
script for an example.
class does not expose any fields. Use the methods described below to obtain the necessary. In addition to these you can iterate through an instance ofStocks
, read individual records by indexing it with akey
for the explanation of keys), and cast it tostr
type which returns a formatted text table with full stored data.
append(ticker:str, api:str, api_key:str = "", forceUpdate = False)
- appends the internal dictionary with the current trading data for the ticker
. How close it is to real-time depends on the API provider and, in case you supply api_key
, on your subscription plan. ticker
must be a valid symbol like "AAPL", api
must be one of "FMP, "AV", "YF" or "MOEX". The information is appended only in case the internal dictionary does not yet have an entry with the same key. Otherwise, it is neither appended nor updated, which allows skipping web API calls. To force the update set forceUpdate
to True
. It is mandatory to provide api_key
if either "FMP" or "AV" is used.
Using append()
is the way to fill up the Stocks
instance initially. The tickers can come from a source that might contain duplicates and sticking with forceUpdate = False
and thus skiping web API calls for duplicate tickers will optimise your code for speed and minimise the impact on the API providers.
The returned value is the key
to the the internal dictionary for the record of this ticker/api pair. If the returned key
is not stored in the calling code it can be constructed again by calling the makeKey()
menthod. If either the supplied ticker
or the api
names are invalid, append()
returns None
update(ticker:str, api:str, api_key:str = "")
- same as append()
but with forceUpdate
set to True
remove(ticker:str, api:str)
- removes the quote for the ticker
. ticker
and api
are the same as when calling append()
. If there is no entry for the ticker/api pair in the internal database, remove()
returns silently.
- start updating stock quotes at regular intervals (in seconds). This method forks a thread that keeps calling the relevant APIs and updating the internal dictionary with new data. Use desist()
to stop.
- stop updating stock quotes.
makeKey(ticker:str, api:str)
- makes a key
used in the internal dictionary maintained by Stocks
to address the trading data records. Returns a str
value of the key
- reverses makeKey()
and returns a tuple of (ticker, api)
- obtains a long company name for the ticker used to make the key
- obtains a float
value of the current price for the ticker used to make the key
- obtains a float
value of the current price change from previous close for the ticker used to make the key
. The change is stored as a fraction of the price, i.e. a change of 2% will be stored as 0.02.
Note: As of October 2023 Yahoo Finance API was not operational. The examples below use "YF" simply to avoid using
There are at least two scenarios the Stocks
class was designed for.
Add quotes with append()
and then use them without updating. Sample code:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from stockdata77 import Stocks
stocks = Stocks()
key = stocks.append("AAPL", "YF")
if key is not None:
print("Stock quote for AAPL")
print("Name = " + stocks.getCompanyName(key))
print("Price = {0:.2f}".format(stocks.getPrice(key)))
print("Change = {0:.2f}%".format(stocks.getPriceChng(key)*100))
print("Quote not found")
Add quotes with append()
and then keep them alive to use in some dymnamic way like plotting real-time price graphs or directing business logic. The API provider and your subscription plan should allow real-time quotes of course. Sample code:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from time import sleep
from stockdata77 import Stocks
stocks = Stocks()
stocks.append("AAPL", "YF")
stocks.append("U", "YF")
stocks.append("MSFT", "YF")
stocks.maintain(2) # start updating the quotes at 2 second intervals
for i in range(4):
sleep(2) # wait for updates
if i == 2: # replace a symbol at some point for some reason
stocks.remove("U", "YF")
stocks.append("GOOGL", "YF")
print(stocks) # display updated quotes
stocks.desist() # stop updating the quotes
class iterator is not thread-safe.
Avoid iterating through an instance of Stocks
class in more than one thread at a time. Use barrier objects or other means of resource mutual exclusion to contol this in your code.
The methods of the Stocks
class itself do not use the implemented iterator. For instance, maintain()
or __str__()
methods though iterating through the records in the internal dictionary, use other means for this. You can use these methods (almost) safely in your multi-threaded applications as long as you avoid remove()
-ing. If you need to remove()
a quote while maintain()
-ing, call desist()
first to pause the updates, then call remove()
and invoke maintain()