Code related to Journal of Synchrotron Radiation paper FV5080 Tsung-Wei Ke, Aaron S. Brewster, Stella X. Yu, Daniela Ushizima, Chao Yang, and Nicholas Sauter (2018)
Published as "Ke, Brewster, Yu, Ushizima, Yang and Sauter, “Convolutional Neural Network-based Screening Tool for X-ray Crystallography”, Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 2018.
Explanation: Raw data (five datasets) may be downloaded from the Coherent X-ray Imaging Data Bank at the following URL: Please note that each file is large (about 13 GB).
Data are written in HDF5 format, 2000 images per dataset. Image data may be viewed with the program dials.image_viewer as follows:
- Download the DIALS program from
- Work on your local machine--slow X-connections will stall.
- Download the file from this repository and place it in the following new directory created on your local filesystem; ${HOME}/.dxtbx/
- Use the command dials.image_viewer <*.h5 file>