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TRT Conseil

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TRT Conseil web app

Link to the online version of the project: Click here

Project context

TRT Conseil is a recruitment agency specializing in the hotel and catering industry. Founded in 2014, the company has grown over the years and now has more than 12 centers scattered across France.

The coronavirus crisis having hit this sector hard, the company wants to gradually set up a tool allowing a greater number of recruiters and candidates to find what they are looking for.

TRT Conseil wants to have a minimum viable product in order to test whether the demand is really there. The agency wants to offer for the moment a simple interface with authentication.

4 types of users will need to be able to connect:

Recruiters: A company looking for an employee. Candidates: A server, catering manager, chef, etc. Consultants: Commissioned by TRT Conseil to manage the links on the back office between recruiters and candidates. Administrator: The person in charge of maintaining the application.


US1. Create an account

Available for recruiters and candidates. Enter a valid email and a secure password. Approval of the request by a consultant before activating the account.

US2. Log in

Accessible to recruiters, candidates, consultants and administrator. Authentication by email and password.

US3. Create a consultant

Functionality reserved for the administrator. Allows you to add new consultants to the platform.

US4. Complete your profile

Accessible to candidates and recruiters. Candidates can enter their first and last name and upload their CV (mandatory PDF format). Recruiters can indicate the name of the company and an address.

US5. Publish an ad

Functionality for recruiters. Form for the job title, the place of work and a detailed description (hours, salary, etc.). Validation of the ad by a consultant before publication. List of candidates validated by TRT Conseil and having applied for the advert accessible to the recruiter.

US6. Apply for an advert

Accessible to candidates, button to apply for an offer from the list of available ads. Approval of the application by a consultant. Sending an email to the recruiter with the name, first name and CV of the candidate if the application is approved.

Working environment configuration


You can clone this repository to create a local copy on your computer:

git clone [email protected]:danian3wa/trtconseil.git

To use a MySQL database, you need to enable the driver in php.ini on your device if it is not already enabled. Uncomment "extension=php_pdo_mysql.dll" in your php.ini file.

After setting up the working environment you can proceed to installing the necessary components. You need to open the cloned project in your IDE. In the terminal of your IDE you must go to the folder of the newly created project after cloning if it is not already the case:

cd trtconseil

With this command, in the terminal you install the dependencies of the project present in: composer.json:

composer install

If composer is not installed on your working environment you will find at this address information allowing you to install:

With this command, in the terminal you install the dependencies of the project present in yarn.lock:


If yarn is not installed on your working environment you will find at this address information allowing you to install:

If node.js is not installed on your working environment you will find at this address information allowing you to install:

In the file .env we must define the information concerning the access to the database. DBHOST="" -> for the local IP address, DBPORT="3306" -> for the port used, DBNAME="TRTConseil" -> the name of the database, DATABASE_PASSWORD="" -> without password locally, MYSQL_DB_USER="root" -> for the database username.


You need to start the Apache Web Server and MySQL Database servers in the XAMPP application in the Manage Servers section

With this command, in the terminal of your IDE, you create the database TRTConseil

symfony console doctrine:database:create

With this command, in the terminal you create the migration of the entities:

symfony console make:migration

With this command, in the terminal, you perform the migration to the database:

symfony console doctrine:migration:migrate

You need to start the Apache Web Server and MySQL Database servers in the XAMPP application in the Manage Servers section

With this command, in the terminal of your IDE, you create the database TRTConseil

symfony console doctrine:database:create

With this command, in the terminal you create the migration of the entities:

symfony console make:migration

With this command, in the terminal, you perform the migration to the database:

symfony console doctrine:migration:migrate

With this command, in the terminal of your IDE, you install certificates to be able to browse in https:

symfony server:ca:install

You can open phpMyAdmin in your browser to view the new database.


Fixtures in this Symfony project are predefined test data that are used to populate the database with dummy information, simulating how the application will work in a development environment. They are particularly useful for evaluating the correct operation of the application, testing different features, and ensuring data consistency. The fixture files are located in the /src/DataFixtures/ folder.

The PosteFixtures.php file creates instances of the Poste class with predefined post labels, registering each instance in the database. It also stores a reference for each position, which allows them to be retrieved in other fixtures.

The file UserFixtures.php is responsible for creating 4 user accounts with different roles (ROLE_ADMIN, ROLE_CONSULTANT, ROLE_RECRUITEUR_TOVALID, ROLE_CANDIDAT_TOVALID). Creates 28 recruitment ad entries for each referenced position with random data such as title, contract type, city, salary, using the Faker library. The created ads are associated with recruiters and consultants.

These fixtures are used to pre-populate the database with test data to facilitate development. They also ensure data consistency when initializing the database with new installations or when resetting the test data.

Load the fixtures into the database with the command:

php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load

You can launch the application.

With this command, in the terminal of your IDE, you start the development server:

npx encore dev-server --hot

With this command, in a new terminal of your IDE, you start the internal Symfony server:

symfony serve

The Symfony server informs you that it is listening at the address You can open this link in your web browser.

When logging in, depending on the role, the user is redirected to the administration area concerning him.

When loading fixtures among other data, users were inserted into the database:

  1. TRT Conseil, ROLE_ADMIN, email: [email protected], password: 12345678
  2. JONES Adele, ROLE_CONSULTANT, email: [email protected], password: 12345678
  3. MICHELLE Eda, ROLE_RECRUTEUR_TOVALID, email: [email protected], password: 12345678
  4. MARY Lea, ROLE_CANDIDAT_TOVALID, email: [email protected], password: 12345678

The email addresses are fictitious addresses.

You now have the possibility to log in to the user area with an email address and password.

You can use the web application as described in the features with different types of users.

For example, to activate the account of a registered recruiter, you connect with the account of a consultant using the email address [email protected] and the password: 12345678 and in the "Recruiters" tab you validate the account of the registered recruiter. You can do the same thing for the candidate account in the "Candidates" tab.

To be able to test the email sending functionality when validating an application you must enter a valid DSN in the .env file at the level of MAILER_DSN=smtp://EMAIL:PASSWORD@SMTP_SERVER:PORT

In the file CandidatureController.php line number 103 you must replace [email protected] with your email address relating to the DSN.

You also need to change the recruiter's email address in the database (using phpMyAdmin) with a valid email address to be able to receive the email sent. You will obviously use this new address to connect to the recruiter account.

With this command, in your IDE terminal, you stop the Symfony intern server:

symfony server:stop

To stop the development server, use the command Control+C for MacOS or CTRL+C for Windows.


This is a web application in development mode and not a web application in production mode.

SQL Insertion


The file schema.sql was written by hand and allows to create the TRTConseil_SQL database and to insert data into this database via PhpMyAdmin.

To do this, you need to start the Apache Web Server and MySQL Database servers in the XAMPP application in the Manage Servers section if it is not already done and then in a web browser open and select the Import tab, click on the Choose File button and select the schema.sql file from your project directory /TRTConseil/resources/ and then click on the Import button.

You need to change the database name in the .env file on line 33, DBNAME="TRTConseil_SQL".

Once the import is complete, you can launch the application. Among other data, 4 users have been inserted into the database:

  1. TRT Conseil, ROLE_ADMIN, email: [email protected], password: 12345678
  2. JONES Adele, ROLE_CONSULTANT, email: [email protected], password: 12345678
  3. MICHELLE Eda, ROLE_RECRUTEUR_TOVALID, email: [email protected], password: 12345678
  4. MARY Lea, ROLE_CANDIDAT_TOVALID, email: [email protected], password: 12345678

You can test the application.


GET /api/annonces - List of all ads:

This route returns the complete list of all available ads.

  • Method : GET
  • Parameters : None
  • Response : A JSON array containing the listing information.
  • Example usage : GET /api/ads

GET /api/adsby - Ads pagination :

This route allows you to paginate the available listings.

  • Method : GET
  • Parameters : page (optional) : Number of the page to retrieve (default: 1)
  • Response : A JSON array containing the details of the paginated listings, as well as information about the pagination such as the current page number, the number of listings per page, and the total number of listings.
  • Example usage: GET /api/annoncesby?page=1

GET /api/annonce/{id} - Details of a specific ad:

This route returns the details of a specific ad identified by its ID.

  • Method: GET
  • Parameters: id: Identifier of the ad to retrieve
  • Response: The details of the specified ad in JSON form.
  • Example usage: GET /api/annonce/

GET /api/annoncesby/{poste} - Ads by post:

This route is used to retrieve ads filtered by post.

  • Method: GET
  • Parameters: post: Name of the post for which ads are searched
  • Response: A JSON array containing the details of the ads associated with the specified post, paginated if necessary, with information on pagination.
  • Example usage : GET /api/annoncesby/cuisinier

GET /api/annoncesbyposte/{id} - Advertisements by job ID :

This route allows you to get the advertisements associated with a specific job identified by its ID.

  • Method : GET
  • Parameters : id : Identifier of the job for which the advertisements are sought
  • Response : A JSON array containing the details of the advertisements associated with the specified job.
  • Example of use : GET /api/annoncesbyposte/456


Class diagram

Use case diagram

Sequence diagram 1

Sequence diagram 2

Project management

Trello link


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