A platform similar to kickstarter but in web3. It solves Kickstarter's trust issues by leveraging user (donor) opinions on project actions (More on features info). It is built with:
- React with NextJS 12
- Semantic UI for the styling of components
- Web3JS to connect to smart contracts
- Truffle to connect with wallet providers (Metamask)
- Ganache for local blockchain deployment
- Mocha for a full contract test suite
- View All Campaigns
- View Campaign Details
- Login and Signup using email.
- Create new listings
- An 8 step process using central state
- Allows images upload
- Add or remove listings from your wishlists
- Manage your properties listed for lease.
- Make reservations on listings at avasilable dates ang manage them.
Clone this repo and then, from your command line:
# Go into the repository
$ cd notckcikstarter-dapp
# Install dependencies
$ npm install
# Run the app. This will start both the frontend (Next) and the backend (Nest).
$ npm run dev
Clone this repo and then, from your command line:
# Run the tests with mocha
$ npm run test
This project is from the udemy course: