Welcome to the 3D Reconstruction and Plane Detection project! This repository contains a Python script that performs 3D reconstruction from stereo images using epipolar geometry. It detects keypoints, matches them between images, computes the Fundamental and Essential matrices, reconstructs a 3D point cloud, and fits planes to the reconstructed points using RANSAC.
This project demonstrates how to perform:
- 🔑 Keypoint detection using SIFT
- 🔗 Feature matching between two images
- 📐 Computation of the Fundamental and Essential matrices
- 🧭 Recovery of camera pose (rotation and translation)
- 🌐 Triangulation of matched points to create a 3D point cloud
✈️ Plane fitting using RANSAC- 🎨 Visualization of keypoints, matches, epipolar lines, and planes
- Keypoint Detection: Detects and computes descriptors using SIFT.
- Feature Matching: Matches features using BFMatcher with a ratio test.
- Epipolar Geometry: Calculates the Fundamental and Essential matrices.
- Pose Recovery: Determines the relative camera positions.
- 3D Reconstruction: Triangulates points to form a 3D point cloud.
- Plane Detection: Uses RANSAC to detect planes in the point cloud.
- Visualization: Provides comprehensive plotting functions for analysis.
- 🐍 Python 3.6 or higher
- 📦 NumPy
- 👁️ OpenCV (cv2)
- 📊 Matplotlib
Clone the Repository
git clone https://github.com/danielbob32/ComputerVisonImageMatching cd ComputerVisonImageMatching
Install Dependencies
Install the required Python packages:
pip install numpy opencv-python matplotlib
- Prepare Your Data
- 📁 Create a directory for your data, e.g., data/example_3/.
- 🖼️ Place your stereo images I1.png and I2.png in this directory.
- 📄 Provide the camera intrinsic matrix K.txt in the same directory. The matrix should be in text format with comma-separated values.
- Configure Parameters In the main() function of the script, you can adjust the following parameters:
data_dir = 'data/example_3' # Path to your data directory
amount = 70 # Number of matches and epipolar lines to display
planes_amount = 2 # Number of planes to detect
Ransac_iterations = 1000 # RANSAC iterations for plane fitting
threshold = 0.5 # Distance threshold for RANSAC
- Run the Script
Execute the script using the command line:
python main.py
- View the Results
The script will display various plots:
- 📷 Keypoints detected in both images
- 🔍 Matched features between images
- 📏 Matches with connecting lines
- 📐 Epipolar lines corresponding to the matches
- 🛰️ Planes fitted to the 3D point cloud
- 🧭 Normals of the detected planes projected onto the images
Note: The results directory should contain the generated images from running the script.
- main.py: Main Python script containing all functions and the main() function.
- data/: Directory containing sample images and camera matrix.
- results/: Directory where output images and plots are saved.
- README.md: Project documentation.
Contributions are welcome! If you have suggestions for improvements or new features, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.
- Fork the repository.
- Create your feature branch: git checkout -b feature/YourFeature
- Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
- Push to the branch: git push origin feature/YourFeature
- Open a pull request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
For questions or suggestions, please contact Daniel Bobritski:
📧 Email: [email protected] 💼 LinkedIn: Daniel Bobritski 🎮 Discord: danielxp13#9709