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Categorizes strings into groups of anagrams using a sorting and hashing approach

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Group Anagrams


The "Group Anagrams" project is a C++ implementation designed to efficiently categorize a list of strings into groups of anagrams. An anagram is a word or phrase formed by rearranging the letters of a different word or phrase, typically using all the original letters exactly once.


The core function groupAnagrams takes a vector of strings and groups anagrams together. The process involves two primary steps:

  1. Sorting and Categorization: For each word in the input vector, the algorithm sorts the characters of the word (thus alphabetizing them) and uses this sorted version as a key in an unordered map. The original word is then appended to the vector corresponding to this key.

  2. Extraction: The algorithm iterates over the unordered map, pushing each vector of grouped anagrams into a final vector<vector<string>> which is then returned.

Code Snippet

vector<vector<string>> groupAnagrams(vector<string>& strs) {
    unordered_map<string, vector<string>> anagrams;
    vector<vector<string>> sorted;

    for (const string& word : strs) {
        string sortedWord = word;
        sort(sortedWord.begin(), sortedWord.end());

    for (const auto& entry : anagrams) {
    return sorted;

Complexity Analysis

Time Complexity

  • O(NK log K): Here, N is the number of strings, and K is the maximum length of a string in the input list. The algorithm iterates through each string (O(N)) and sorts it (O(K log K)).

Space Complexity

  • O(NK): The space complexity mainly comes from storing the sorted strings and the unordered map. Each string is stored once in its sorted form and once in the unordered map.

Potential Improvements

  1. String Hashing: Instead of sorting each word, a hash function could be used to generate a unique key for each group of anagrams. This can potentially reduce the time complexity, depending on the hash function's efficiency.

  2. Optimized Data Structures: Depending on the typical size and nature of input data, different data structures could be more efficient. For example, a trie might be used for storing sorted words.

  3. Parallel Processing: For very large datasets, parallel processing of the initial sorting and categorization step could significantly speed up the algorithm.

Auxiliary Functions

The project also includes auxiliary functions for displaying vectors and vector of vectors, aiding in testing and visualization of the algorithm's output.


"Group Anagrams" is a practical implementation showcasing efficient categorization of strings into anagrams using modern C++ techniques. While the current implementation balances efficiency and readability, ongoing improvements can adapt it for more specialized or performance-critical applications.