Daniel Lin, Sofia Isadora Padilla Munoz
The run
bash script in the root directory is used for building the program and running several important tasks:
./run build
builds thesdtw
binary, which is our main program. -
./run build && ./run test_batch #test-number
runs the given test (identified by#test-number
in [0, 1, 2, etc]) on the GPU usingsbatch
and compares it against the expected solutionresult.raw
. Tests are found insrc/test/#test-number
and are comprised of the following files:-
: a query or batch of queries; in the case of a batch of queries, abatchSize
number of queries is expected to be listed contiguously; each query is assumed to be of the same size; the size of the queries is computed as (total-1)/batchSize.total number of lines in file minus 1 (total) batch size (batchSize) query 0 starts .. query 0 ends query 1 starts .. query 1 ends query batchSize-1 starts .. query batchSize-1 ends
: the reference, one entry per line.number of entries (n) entry 0 .. entry n-1
: expected sDTW output for each of the queries in the batch.batch size (batchSize) query 0 expected result .. query batchSize-1 expected result
: actual sDTW output produced by the HIP kernel.batch size (batchSize) query 1 actual result .. query batchSize-1 actual result
./run build_normalizer && ./run normalize_throughput
: builds a standalone normalizer executable and computes throughput in gigasamples per second and average execution time (ms); this is the result of running the normalizer 10 times on a 512x2000 batch; the query data is generated using the cbf_generator from https://github.com/asbschmidt/cuDTW.As of 3/6: AVG time: 0.0212798ms Gsps: 4.81208
The following is an example output log of ./run build && ./run test_batch 13
, where 13 is our largest test data sample (512x2000 query batch and 100000 reference).
sDTW invoked normalizer on reference
normalizer started execution at (micros since epoch): 1710043177336405
normalizer copied host batch to device
normalize KERNEL started execution at (micros since epoch): 1710043177546167
normalize KERNEL finished execution at (micros since epoch): 1710043177547029
normalize KERNEL execution time was 0.804801ms (0.000804801s)
normalize KERNEL throughput was 0.124254 gigasamples per second
normalizer finished execution at (micros since epoch): 1710043177547435
sDTW resumed after reference was normalized
sDTW invoked normalizer on 512x2000 query batch
normalizer started execution at (micros since epoch): 1710043178943163
normalizer copied host batch to device
normalize KERNEL started execution at (micros since epoch): 1710043178943401
normalize KERNEL finished execution at (micros since epoch): 1710043178943572
normalize KERNEL execution time was 0.05504ms (5.504e-05s)
normalize KERNEL throughput was 18.6047 gigasamples per second
normalizer finished execution at (micros since epoch): 1710043178943752
sDTW resumed after query batch was normalized
sDTW started execution at (micros since epoch): 1710043178947694
sDTW KERNEL started execution at (micros since epoch): 1710043178947910
sDTW KERNEL throughput was 0.000697842 gigasamples per second
sDTW KERNEL finished execution at (micros since epoch): 1710043196554091
sDTW KERNEL execution time was 14673.8ms (14.6738s)
sDTW finished execution at (micros since epoch): 1710043196554749
As explained above, ./run test_batch #test-number
runs against a few tests files. These files were generated using the Python script found in scripts/generate_test.py.
python3 scripts/generate_test.py src/test/{test-number} {query size} {reference size} {batch} {run sDTW, true/false}
The queries were generated using make_cylinder_bell_funnel from pyts.datasets.