Scala macro playground
Automatically generates proper equals
and hashCode
import Equalizer._
class A(val b: Boolean, val s: String) {
override def equals(other: Any): Boolean = mequals(this, other, b, s)
override def hashCode: Int = mhash(b, s)
The following methods will be generated at compile time:
class A(val b: Boolean, val s: String) {
override def equals(other: Any): Boolean = other match {
case that: A => (this eq that) || (this.b == that.b) && (this.s == that.s)
case _ => false
override def hashCode: Int =
41 * (
41 + b.hashCode
) + s.hashCode
Checks whether property keys are defined in a config file and warns at compile time: = hello
import PropertyChecker._
val okKey = p""
println(okKey) // prints
val nokKey = p""
println(nokKey) // prints
Compiler output:
[warn] /home/dk/macropolis/src/test/scala/macropolis/PropertyCheckerTest.scala:8: Key not found in
[warn] val nok = p""
[warn] ^
[warn] one warning found
If you get the following warning it means that the compiler can not find the file
on the classpath:
[warn] /home/dk/macropolis/src/test/scala/macropolis/PropertyCheckerTest.scala:6: Unable to load property file Be sure the config file is on the compile classpath.
[warn] val ok = p""
[warn] ^
To make this working in xsbt the classpath needs to be extend to contain the config file. In this project I added the following line to its build.sbt:
unmanagedClasspath in Test <+= (baseDirectory) map { bd => Attributed.blank(bd/"src"/"test"/"resources") }
- Currently the name of the property file is hardcoded to
. - Would it make sense to have
which statically resolves thevalue
associated with the given key?
Example for an external DSL embedded in a String and checked at compile time. The syntax is checked by a Scala combinator parser. An additional function checks whether all names start with an uppercase letter. Here is a valid example:
import InternalExternalDSL._
val a = schema"""
graph ( MyGraph ) {
node( A ) {
prop( P1 )
edge( AtoB ){
prop( P2 )
println(a) // prints Schema(Name(MyGraph),List(Node(Name(A),List(Property(Name(P1)))), Edge(Name(AtoB),List(Property(Name(P2))))))
The following leads to a compile error showing a syntactic error:
import InternalExternalDSL._
val a = schema"""
graph ( MyGraph ) {
node( A ) {
prop[ P1 )
edge( AtoB ){
prop( P2 )
Compiler error:
[info] Compiling 1 Scala source to /home/dk/macropolis/target/scala-2.10/test-classes...
[error] /home/dk/macropolis/src/test/scala/macropolis/InternalExternalDSLTest.scala:9: `(' expected but `[' found
[error] prop[ P1 )
[error] ^
[error] one error found
[error] (test:compile) Compilation failed
This example demonstrates multiple semantic errors at compile time:
import InternalExternalDSL._
val a = schema"""
graph ( MyGraph ) {
node( a ) {
prop( P1 )
edge( AtoB ){
prop( p2 )
Compiler error:
[info] Compiling 1 Scala source to /home/dk/macropolis/target/scala-2.10/test-classes...
[error] /home/dk/macropolis/src/test/scala/macropolis/InternalExternalDSLTest.scala:8: Name a must start with upprecase
[error] node( a ) {
[error] ^
[error] /home/dk/macropolis/src/test/scala/macropolis/InternalExternalDSLTest.scala:12: Name p2 must start with upprecase
[error] prop( p2 )
[error] ^
[error] two errors found
[error] (test:compile) Compilation failed
Just for fun the implementation avoids parsing the string again at runtime: It serializes the constructed AST at compile time into a string literal which is then deserialized at runtime.