🚀 This project is currently under active development. Some features may be incomplete or subject to change. Stay tuned! 🚀
Room Booking API is a system that allows users to register rooms (such as university classrooms) and enables authorized users to book them as needed. 🏠✅
- 🏢 Room registration and management
- 👤 User registration with authentication and authorization 🔑
- 📅 Room booking with filtering options 🔍
- 🛠️ Management of amenities associated with rooms
- ☕ Java Spring Boot
- 🏛️ Hibernate & JPA
- 🛢️ MariaDB
- 🐳 Docker & Docker Compose
- 📜 Flyway for database migrations
Check the docs at localhost:8080/swagger-ui/index.html
- 🔐 JWT authentication (Next Task)
- 🔒 Secure endpoints (Done ✅)
- 👑 Create a default admin user (Done ✅)
- 🧪 Integration tests
- 🐳 Full dockerization
- 📜 Link to Postman Collection (AT THE END)
- 📝 Update documentation / README
This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 ⚖️