my custom OpenWrt packages
Tested under snapshot r15225 (Dec 17 2020)
Linux kernel 5.4.83
- call_qcsapi: quantenna tools adapted for the Sercomm H500-s to make its wifi work.
- luci-app-tn-vsftpd: LuCI support for vsftpd. It requires vsftpd-uci package.
- vsftpd-uci: vsftpd mod with UCI support
- phytool: low level access to ethernet PHY like Marvell 88E1518
- amule: p2p client, ed2k downloads
- libcryptopp: library required for amule
- wxbase: library required for amule
- dump-cp15: kernel module to dump the CP15 registers on ARM boards
- dummy-irq: kernel module to test external IRQs on GPIO lines